The Baby

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Sherlock and John started to panic once they realized that Molly was starting her contractions.

Sherlock, was panicking while trying to start the car to take her to the hospital, but his hands were shaking so bad that he couldn't.

John was holding onto Molly's hand while muttering, "I'm a doctor. I can do this."

After five minutes of Sherlock fiddling with the car keys, John ran outside and started the car for them. Sherlock helped Molly get in and John drove.

"It's okay, Molly, just breathe..." John said. "Sherlock, phone Mark."

Sherlock grabbed Molly's phone and called Mark. Mark didn't pick up on the first attempt.

Sherlock called again, and this time he picked up.

"Yes?" Mark said.

"Hi this is Sherlock." Sherlock said. "Molly has started her contractions-"

He was cut off by a cry of pain from Molly, who was holding Sherlock's hand. She squeezed his hand so hard that he thought it might break.

"Molly, is she okay?" Mark asked.

"She's doing perfectly fine for a woman going into labor!" John yelled.

"Okay, I'll be at the hospital as soon as I can."  Mark hung up the phone.


Sherlock and John were in the waiting room of the hospital. Molly was giving birth in one room, while Sherlock and John were waiting.

"I still can't believe she chose to name her child after you instead of me." John said.

"Daniel John, Daniel Hamish." Sherlock said. "Neither of them roll off the tongue the way Daniel Scott does."

Sherlock was staring off into the distance, looking sad.

John immediately recognized the sadness on his boyfriends face.

"Sherlock, what's wrong?" John asked.

"I'll never have that." Sherlock said.

"Have what?" John asked.

"A baby." Sherlock said, still staring off. "Now I would be an awful father. I know I would be. I would be caught up more in my own antics, when I should be taking care of the child. But I have an instinct, a evolutionary instinct, that I want a child. Due to my lack of emotions and social skills, I am lucky to find someone who would love me." Sherlock glanced at John with a heartwarming smile. But his smile quickly returned into a frown. "And I will never even be able to have a child with that one person."

"You have Rosie, Sherlock." John said. "She'll recognize you as her father as much as she recognizes me."

"Yes, but she's not actually mine. Rosie is Mary and John's baby." Sherlock said. "She will never be my baby, and I will never have one."

John patted Sherlock's arm. "Sherlock, look at me." John said. Sherlock did. "We many never have a baby, but we will always have a family. We will all be family." John lightly kissed Sherlock's cheek.

Sherlock laced his hand with John's. They didn't talk for quite a while.

"So... Redbeard." John said.

"What about Redbeard?" Sherlock asked.

"He was your childhood friend." John said.

"Yes, that Eurus drowned in a well." Sherlock said. "What is the point of this?"

"No point, really." John said. "Just... erm... why did you remember Redbeard as a dog?"

"Because I was so traumatized by the death of Victor that I made up a dog. I really really wanted a dog, but I never got one. This way, I did have a dog, and I didn't have a friend who was drowned in a well by my little sister." Sherlock said.

John nodded comprehensively. "Hey, I need to make a call." John said, getting up. John went over to the other side of the waiting room and picked up his phone. He dialed Mrs Hudson's number.

"Hello, John dear." Mrs Hudson said. "How's Molly doing?"

"Good. Still in labor. Listen, I need to ask you something." John said.


"Are we allowed to have dogs at 221b?"


"Come on in, guys!" Molly said, holding a tiny sleeping baby in her arms.

Sherlock and John crept into the room. John looked at the baby cradled in Molly's arms.

"Can I hold him?" John asked.

Molly nodded and handed John the baby. John stared at the tiny bundle in his arms, remembering when Rosie was that little.

"Molly, may I hold him?" Sherlock asked.

"Sure. John, show him how to do it." Molly said.

John transferred the baby to Sherlock's arms, showing him how to correctly cradle the baby.

Sherlock smiled at the tiny bundle in front of him, and began to speak to Daniel in the softest of voices.

"Hello, little Daniel." Sherlock said. "I'm Sherlock Holmes. We share the same middle name. Your mother and I have a long history, but I can safely say that she is one of my closest friends. I feel like I've been responsible for making sure that Molly is doing well, then her husband came along and it was his job. But honestly, I don't think that he is doing such a great job. Now you're the man in her life, Daniel. You're going to have to take care of Molly. Make sure that she stays well, Daniel. I'll be checking in on you two- three! I always forget about Mark. I'll be making sure you are keeping my Molly Hooper happy." Sherlock said. "Daniel Scott Hooper. I am excited to be in your life."

Sherlock gave the baby back to Molly, satisfied that no one had heard him talk to the baby. Sherlock and John bid goodbye to Molly as they left to go home.

Sherlock would never know, for the rest of his life, that John had heard his speech to Daniel.

And it just made John love Sherlock even more.

I'm so so so so so sorry for the hiatus guys! I've been having some writers block as well as limited access to tech, I'm sorry. I'll try to be on it more.

THANK YOU FOR THE READS I JUST CANT EVEN RN!!!! 204 reads, that's about 203 more than I expected!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

Song: "A Love Like War" -All Time Low ft Vic Fuentes :: just bc it's amazing.

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BYEEEE -Dillon

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