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So exact one week before the wedding, John had to leave the flat for something. He left Sherlock there, alone, to finalize the wedding preparations.

But Sherlock didn't notice when a small spotted dog slipped out the door with John, with an intention all of his own.

Sherlock, when John slammed the door behind him, immediately called for Ben to help keep him company while Sherlock's away.

But Ben didn't come to the Sherlock.

"Ben?" Sherlock called again.

After waiting another minute, Sherlock deduced the worst possible thing.

Ben had ran away.

Sherlock threw his work on the floor and immediately ran out the door and after the escaped pup.

Sherlock, just by glancing at the ground, deduced that Ben had ran left onto the sidewalk of Baker Street.

Sherlock followed all the immediate signs of where Ben had been. Which was... mostly pee marks.

Sherlock, even though he was a fast runner, couldn't ever catch up to a puppy who was on his own for the first time.

Sherlock followed Ben into dark alleyways and cramped spaces, the puppy apparently following his nose towards whatever seemed most interesting.

Sherlock passed a store, not even caring who the shoppers were.


"Is that, Sherlock?" John muttered to himself as he thought he saw Sherlock dash across the street.

John put his bag down and ran outside. And in the distance he saw his curly haired fiancé running down the road.

"Sherlock!" John yelled. Sherlock didn't do anything. He was either ignoring him or couldn't hear him.

So John decided to pursue Sherlock down the street, calling out Sherlock's name.


"John is going to kill me." Sherlock thought, the second he heard John yelling his name from the street. "I managed to lose a living, breathing, symbol of our love." Sherlock decided that it would be best to keep pursuing Ben rather than stopping for John.

But John's voice kept yelling. After a dozen "Sherlock's!" Something different was yelled.


John was so fed up with all of Sherlock's running. There was one sure fire way to get Sherlock's attention, but John had yet to use it.

"William!" John yelled.


The second Sherlock heard that name, he froze dead in his tracks. It was a name his mother rarely used, and now John was using it.

John came running up beside Sherlock.

"What the hell are you chasing, Sherlock?" John said.

"Don't get mad at me." Sherlock said.

"Why? What happened?" John asked, suddenly becoming concerned.

"Ben got loose." Sherlock said, like it was a weight to get off his shoulders. "Are you mad?"

"Sher, I'm not mad." John said. "Puppies are tricky to deal with. They'll slip right out of your hands any chance you give them. We just have to find him."

Working together, Sherlock and John found Ben, cowering under a bench at a local park.

"Something scared the life out of him." John noticed.

"Yes, and it was a pigeon." Sherlock said, using his deduction to show that Ben was a real wuss when it came to birds.


Sorry I've been away!! I've just been having some writers block but managed to squeeze this out. It is dedicated to 221moriarty bc she gave me the idea and it's rather great. I hope I did The idea Justice.

Okay i swear my phone hates me today.

Do I hear wedding bells in the distance?? Are they chiming johnnnnlockkkkk johnnnnlockkkk? Hm I guess we must find out.

That is it! Song: "Runaway Baby" by Bruno Mars :: bc it was my anthem when I was 8 and it's currently stuck in my head. Gr9

Bye!! -your D person


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