Moriarty's Story

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Sherlock was nose deep in wedding preparations one day when his phone began to ring.

John glanced at the caller ID. "It's Mycroft." John said.

"Let it go to voicemail." Sherlock said, not even flinching.

John ignored the buzzing phone. It went away after a minute. Then it began ringing again.

"Sher, I think it's important if he's calling twice." John said.

"Then can you answer it?" Sherlock said. "I'm trying to decide between swans or doves."

"I'm not even going to ask." John mumbled, picking up the phone. "What's up, Mycroft."

Mycroft, even through the phone, sounded annoyed. "Hello John. Can I please speak to Sherlock?"

"He's busy." John said.

"Oh, yes. Planning for your nuptials." Mycroft said. "But this is more important."

"Tell me and I'll tell Sherlock." John said.

"We found James Moriarty's diary when he was young." Mycroft said.

John's mouth gaped open. He turned to Sherlock. Mycroft kept talking.

"We discovered why he began murdering." Mycroft said.

John handed the phone to Sherlock.

"Sher, I think you really want to hear this." John said.

"Fine." Sherlock said, grabbing the phone out of John's hand and putting it to his ear. "What, Mycroft?"

Sherlock was out the door before the phone call ended.


Sherlock and John ran to the location Mycroft had told them. It was in the same city as the pool when Moriarty first met the boys. Sherlock ran inside the house with police cars surrounding it.

Sherlock found Lestrade, who was holding a leather bound book with the word "Jimmy's Journal" written on the front.

"So, Moriarty's?" Sherlock asked.

"Yep." Lestrade said. "You should take a glance."

Sherlock ripped the book out of Lestrade's hands and flipped to the first page. John read over Sherlock's shoulder.

August 12th: I am loving middle school! I never really liked school much before this, but now I get to do art EVERY DAY! And I get to see Seb in some of my classes! This is turning out to be a great year! -jimmy

August 26th: So I've been getting a bit of homework lately, but it's okay. I'm still having fun! -jimmy

September 22nd: School is less fun now. Seb is talking to other kids more, but I hope he still loves me best. Luckily my teacher thinks that my artwork is the best in the whole class! I'm going to try and fill a whole sketchbook by the time the term is over. I think I'll do it! -jimmy moriarty

October 15th: I don't like Carl Powers. He's a stupid swimmer boy in my art class who doesn't like that I'm better than him. He keeps being mean to me. Luckily Seb is still there for me. Well most of the time anyways. I'm filling up most of my sketchbook though. I guess that's good. -jimmy

November 6th: I don't want to be at school any more. I keep getting better at art, so stupid Carl Powers just keeps being meaner to me. My sketchbook is near full! -jimmy

November 8th: I FINISHED MY SKETCHBOOK! -jimmy

December 12th: Well I just had the worst day of my life. I went to turn my sketchbook into my teacher, but it was gone. I thought that Carl Powers must have done it, so I went to the pool where he was set to practice. I found my sketchbook, torn up, destroyed, in the garbage. Carl did this. I know it. I am going to get Carl back for this. -james moriarty. i don't feel like jimmy anymore.

December 28th: I did it. I actually did it. I killed Carl Powers. I made it look like an accident. I actually did it. I watched as he drowned in that pool. I watched the light go out in his eyes. The worst part? It was easy. It was almost too easy to kill Carl Powers. It was too easy to get revenge on him. I like getting revenge. I'll have to do it some other time. There are far too many people who deserve to die. -james moriarty

March 7th: I killed three more people. Three of Carl's swimmer friends. They all bullied me too. It's getting fun, killing people. -james moriarty wait i shouldn't be james anymore, in case I get caught. jimmy's too childish, so jim it is!

April 16th: I told Seb about my killings. He doesn't like it. He won't talk to me anymore. But i made him swear not to tell anyone. So I'm good. Well, all except for this one kid. His name is Sherlock. He's trying to figure me out. I'm taking an interest in him... -jim moriarty

May 25th: The last day of my middle school year. I did a lot this year. I found my passion, murder. I hope I can do something like that in the future. I should probably hide this notebook, so the world won't see it. Well. Bye!

-Jim Moriarty x

That was the last entry in the journal. Sherlock closed it nonchalantly and put it down.

"So, Sherlock." John said. "How did you like that?"

"I have a new sympathy for Moriarty." Sherlock said.

"Sympathy?!" John said, surprised that Sherlock would feel this way.

"Yes." Sherlock said. "This showed me that Moriarty started out just an ordinary boy. Everyone starts out like him, not murdering people as toddlers. Moriarty had a passion, but someone killed it. He's just ordinary in extraordinary circumstances."

Everyone in the room was speechless. No one ever saw Moriarty as a human, just a threat. But this diary showed the human side of Moriarty.

"Where was this diary found?" Sherlock said.

"Um, under the fourth stair." Lestrade said.

"It goes back there." Sherlock said.

"But, it's evidence." Mycroft sneered.

"Then take pictures of the pages. But when you're done collecting all your evidence, you put it back." Sherlock said.

"Why should we?" Mycroft said.

"Because." Sherlock said. "Moriarty wasn't just a serial killer. He was also a human. He would like it if we kept his things where he intended it to be."

Sherlock turned and walked off, his coat billowing behind him and a new level of respect for Moriarty.


well I liked that chapter. that was fun to write.

I've been watching so much Supernatural that we may as well call it a sin at this point.

Y'all should go check out my rant book. it's pretty legit I must say.

yeah that's all!

song: "Fake You Out" by twenty one pilots :: because it is stuck in my head at this very moment.

see y'all later!


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