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It was Christmas time for John and Sherlock, their first together as a couple. Sherlock was still completely invested in the wedding, so he let John do all the Christmas preparations this year.

John hung stockings, decorated the tree, made cookies, everything. He was surprised that Sherlock didn't criticize everything he did.

The day was December 20th. Sherlock and John were throwing a house party for all their friends to come over. Lestrade was the first to show up.

"Hello boys." He said, when he saw John and Sherlock together. "First Christmas together is always exciting."

"Yeah, it is." John said. "So, we never got a RSVP from you for the wedding?"

"Wedding? What wedding?" Lestrade asked.

John turned to Sherlock with an angered expression. "You didn't invite Lestrade to the wedding?"

"Of course I did." Sherlock said. "I just haven't sent out the invitations yet."

"Sherlock, people need time to get work off for the wedding. You need to send them out soon." John scolded.

"I will the day after Christmas." Sherlock said.

Lestrade was listening to John and Sherlock's domestic. When they finished, he said, "I'm so happy for you two!" Lestrade wrapped Sherlock and John in a hug. "I will definitely be at the wedding, no matter when it is."

"Well I counted on it." Sherlock said. "Otherwise I wouldn't have a best man."

Lestrade got even more surprised. "Best man?" Lestrade said. "Your best man?"

"Of course." Sherlock said.

"Sher, you can't just off-handedly mention that someone is going to be a best man." John said.

"Oh, right." Sherlock said. "Lestrade, will you-"

"Do I have an option?" Lestrade said.

"Not really." Sherlock said.

"Well, regardless, I'm honored." Lestrade said, walking off to get food.

Molly and her family walked in the door. Little Daniel, her child, was being carried by Mark, her husband.

"Molly!" John said excitedly, giving Molly a hug. "It's good to see that you could make it."

"Of course I would come." Molly said. She went over and gave Sherlock a hug. "It's good to see you. I noticed you haven't been coming around the hospital much lately."

"Yes, well, I've busy." Sherlock said, showing Molly the ring on his hand. He figured any moment is as good as this to announce the engagement.

"Sherlock!" Molly exclaimed. "That's so exciting! Congratulations!"

She ran over to John and grabbed his hand, seeing the ring on his hand. "You guys!" She beamed. "When's the wedding? I'm sure to be there!"

"There's not an exact date yet." Sherlock said. "I'll be sure to let you know, though."

"Oh, you guys! This is amazing!" Molly said, a gigantic smile on her face.

Sherlock took this moment to notice the difference in Molly he's seen over the years. "When I first met her, she was a sad young lady in need of love." Sherlock thought. "She took an immediate liking to me. I rejected her over and over again, in either ignorance or preference for John. She became even more heartbroken. Then she dated Moriarty. Then Tom, and broke that engagement over me. She's been run over so many times, I've seen her sad for so long. But now, with Mark and Daniel, she's finally found a way to be happy. To move past me and past heartbreak, and be happy. Hell, she's happy for me that I'm marrying someone different. Molly Hooper has changed a lot, but this change is one of the best things I've ever seen."

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