The Text

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Sherlock and John sat down the very next morning with Mrs Hudson to eat breakfast. Mrs Hudson didn't eat anything, except tea, which she drank while staring over at John and Sherlock, beaming with pride. Every time Sherlock or John glanced in her direction, she simply averted her eyes and denies anything.

As they were all eating breakfast, Sherlock and John got an identical text on their phones.

'Come to the yard, now. -Greg'

They both checked their phones quickly and put them back down.

"Greg?" Sherlock asked, in deep thought, but only for a moment. "Oh, Lestrade." John snorted and rolled his eyes.

Then they got another text.

'It's an emergency. We need you 2. -Greg'

John looked at his phone worryingly, and then said, "Do you think we should go down? It seems urgent."

"No, Lestrade is always making things bigger than they are. Usual police." Sherlock said,not even looking up from his breakfast.

Sherlock's phone received a text that John's phone didn't.

Sherlock read the text, but his usual 'I don't care' face turned into a face marred by shock.

"C'mon, John, we gotta go." Sherlock said, getting up and grabbing his things.

"You said just a minute ago that it was no big deal!" John yelled as Sherlock ran around the flat, searching for his things. "Sherlock!"

"Not the time, John. Come on, we have to go!" Sherlock yelled, frantically searching.

"Yeah, I better go." John said, getting up from the table. "Thanks, Mrs Hudson."

John jumped up and chased after Sherlock, who at this point was barreling down the street yelling "TAXI!". Sherlock eventually got a taxi and he and John jumped in. Sherlock didn't say a word for the car ride, just stared out the window in deep contemplation. Despite John's many attempts at conversation, Sherlock remained dead silent.

Sherlock forgot to pay the cab when they finally got to Scotland Yard. John had to stay and pay while Sherlock ran to the front doors of the building. John dashed after him and made it to Lestrade's office just after Sherlock did.

"Sherlock!" John said, breathless. "What the bloody hell is so important that we raced all the way here?"

"One of Sherlock's old friends is back." Lestrade said.

John tilted his head back and sighed heavily. When he moved his head back, he muttered through gritted teeth, "If Moriarty is making another comeback-"

"No, not that one." Sherlock said.

"Then who is it?" John asked.

"Hello boys." John heard, a purr over his shoulder. He turned around to see the face of a woman staring at Sherlock, a signature grin plastered across her face.

"At least you're wearing some clothes." John said.

Because standing there, staring at Sherlock, is the unwavering face of Irene Adler.

Okay first and foremost:
THANK YOU ALL SO FUCKING MUCH FOR 100 READS OML I'M SO PUMPED THIS IS AMAZING!! I started this fic less than a week ago and it already has more than 100 reads!! Like holy shit guys THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!

Not to undermine my gratitude, but comment and vote and whatnot so I know you're alive and have a søul



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