The Wedding Part 2

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John stood at the end of the aisle. He was faced away from the ceremony, where he knew Sherlock would soon walk onto the altar. John's mind was still racing, his heart pounding in his chest.

"What am I doing? I need to call this off. I'm not gay. But I love Sherlock. Am I just confusing platonic love?" John thought.

He heard the music playing, a waltz Sherlock had created for the string quartet to play as he was walking to his place at the altar. It was a simple piece, but still lovely all the same. John could visualize Sherlock walking down the stairs, to stand on the altar.

The music stopped.

It was John's turn to walk down the aisle.

"It's time, dear." Mrs Hudson said. All thoughts existed John's mind, in a blind panic, as he turned around and began to walk down the aisle.

The string quartet switched to another song Sherlock wrote, this one infinitely more complex. Sweet melodies from the violin matched perfectly with the deep cello sounds that seemed to vibrate John's heartstrings. John could feel Sherlock's love for him, simply within the music. Every note, every chord, was oozing love.

John's vision cleared, and he saw Sherlock standing there calmly on the altar.

John saw Sherlock clearer than he ever had before.

John's mind filled with thoughts. But this time, they were all positive."I'm marrying the smartest man on the planet today. When I first met him, all those years ago, I didn't know that he was even capable of love. But he is. He loves me. Out of everyone in the world who loves him, he chose to love me. He chose me because we are soulmates. I may not be gay. Or even bisexual. But I love Sherlock. Why does love need labels? I don't need to label my love for Sherlock as gay, or straight. Because all it is, is pure romantic love for my soulmate, William Sherlock Scott Holmes. I want to spend my life with him. And I think I'm ready to."

John stepped up onto the altar, opposite Sherlock. Sherlock looked happier than ever.

The minister began. "We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Both of you have been on incredulous journeys throughout your lives. But today, you will be beginning the journey that will last a lifetime. Marriage. It will take work and compromise. But I know that as strong of men as you will work hard to create the perfect marriage. Sherlock, you may recite any vows you have prepared."

Sherlock took a deep breath. "All my life I've never expected I could love someone. But right when I met you, I knew that I loved you. Since then I've waited for you to love me. I've been through psychopaths and gunshot wounds and ex-CIA assassins and relapses and psychotic siblings, and everything else possibly imaginable. I wrote a best man's speech at your wedding. But I waited. Now, I've gotten to write vows for our wedding. I finally have you here with me, John. My whole life I've been unhappy. But I'm hoping that from this moment on, that I'll get to be happy in your company. I love you, more than anything I could ever imagine."

There were a couple sniffles from the audience.

"John," the minister said, "you may recite any vows you have prepared."

John decided to scrap his original vows. "Sherlock." John said. "You are my soulmate. I may have been unsure at first, but I know for certain that it's you. I've waited my whole life for someone like you, to ground me and keep me from soaring too high. I guess.... I'm sorry I don't have a lot to say, because everything I could ever think to say is summarized in these words: I love you more than I've loved anyone. I'll do anything and everything to make you happy. I love all of you, every flaw and broken bit. I will love you through everything."

A tear rolled down Sherlock's face, as he let out a happy laugh. John let a tear shed too.

The minister continued. "William Sherlock Scott Holmes, do you take this man, John Hamish Watson, to be your lawfully wedded husband, through health and through sickness, for richer and for poorer, to love til death do you part?"

Sherlock let out a gigantic smile. "I do." He said, slipping the ring onto John's finger.

The minister turned to John. "John Hamish Watson, do you take this man, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, to be your lawfully wedded husband, through health and through sickness, for richer and for poorer, to love til death do you part?"

And without thinking twice, John slipped the ring onto Sherlock's finger and said, "I do."

"By the power invested in me by the English government, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

Sherlock took a step towards John. John wrapped his hands around Sherlock's waist as Sherlock tilted his head down to meet John's. Their lips connected, butterflies erupting in both their stomachs as they knew their lives together was about to begin.

The small crowd applauded. After what seemed like forever, John and Sherlock pulled apart. Sherlock still held John close. They touched foreheads and Sherlock whispered, "I'm so glad we got to finally do this."

"Finally." John whispered back, as he pulled Sherlock in for another kiss.

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