The Woman Part 2

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Sherlock's eyes went large at Irene's words. He could barely stutter out a quiet, "W-What?"

Irene smirked. "Run away with me, Sherlock. You heard me. We'll run away and find our way. With your brains and my wit, we'll be unstoppable." Irene stroked Sherlock's hands in a seductive manner.

Sherlock stared at Irene's hands caressing his own, confused and quite shocked. He stuttered out another, "W-What?"

"I know that you know exactly what I'm saying." Irene said. "You just don't want to think about it."

Sherlock stared at Irene in shock. John kept glancing between Sherlock and Irene.

Inside his head, Sherlock was going insane. He was thinking. Why don't I just leave? Everyone here will be happier without me.

"Come on, Sherlock, you have every ability to go." Irene said. "All you're doing is solving cases here. There's nothing here for you."

She's right. Sherlock thought. Anyone can solve a murder if they try hard enough.

"That's not true." John said. "What about Mycroft? Or Lestrade? Molly? Mrs Hudson?" John tried to avoid saying his own name.

None of them even like me that much. Sherlock thought. Lestrade can find another detective. Maybe not a sociopathic drug addict. Mycroft can do his own bloody things. Molly has her own life now. She doesn't need to show me any bodies. And I'm always annoying Mrs Hudson. Shooting the walls, taking up all her time. They'd all be better off without me.

"They're all replaceable." Irene said. "Come on, Sherlock. There's not a special someone that you need to stay for."

Sherlock glanced at John, finally ripped out of his shock. He totally forgot about staying for John. Sherlock has wanted to be with John for so long, and now that it's finally happening, Sherlock sometimes forgets about it.

"No, Irene, I can't go." Sherlock said.

Irene put on a fake pout. "Aw, please Sherlock. For me."

"No." Sherlock said. "I have somebody to stay for that I value more than you."

"And who exactly is that?" Irene asked, in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"John Watson." Sherlock said. They glanced at each other and shared a loving glance.

Irene slightly scoffed. "John?" She asked. "Doesn't he have a wife and a child? Why would you stay for someone who chose someone else over you?"

Sherlock gave Irene a rude glance. "Because I love him and that's all that matters." Sherlock said. "And I think he loves me too."

"I do love him." John said.

"Wait, what about your wife?" Irene asked John.

John sighed and looked down. "She... She was shot." John said. "And Sherlock is the only thing that got me though it."

Irene turned from cool and collected to frantic. "Please, Sherlock, I really need your help. Please run away with me!"

"I'm staying. For John." Sherlock said, grabbing John's hand from under the table.

"I can't believe it." Irene said. "Sherlock Holmes, and John Watson, together!" She looked down, dejectedly. "I...I just don't know what to do."

"Talk to Lestrade. He'll help you. He's the least incompetent officer in here." Sherlock said.

"Woah what a compliment!" John said.

Sherlock smiled at John. They both had the evident faces of two men madly in love.

"Look at you guys." Irene said. "I was gonna try and convince you again. But now that I see how much you love each other, and I don't want to take that away from you. I've seen a lot of people, a lot of lustful people who claim that they love me, or another person, but I have never seen anyone as in love as you guys are."

Irene got up and left the room.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Sherlock asked John.

"Maybe we should interrogate those guys who tried to poison you." John suggested.

"Oh, yes!" Sherlock said with an excited grin on his face.

They got up from their seat and headed towards the door.

Sherlock said, "I'll let you go first."

"No, I think you should go first." John said, smiling. "Beat the shit out of the people who tried to poison your boyfriend." John planted a kiss on Sherlock's cheek.

Sherlock did one better by grabbing John and kissing him firmly on the lips. Sherlock let John go and they saw Anderson staring intently through the window at them, with the most excited look on his face.

"Oh my god you guys-" Anderson said.

"Not a word of this, Anderson." Sherlock said. "If you don't say a word of this, I won't insult you."

Anderson stood there, sputtering, as Sherlock and John walked off.


Who else likes Phineas & Ferb? I'm watching it right now and it still makes me laugh.

Song of the chapter: "Life Of The Party" by All Time Low. <- one of my favorites right now

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