The Taxi Ride

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John and Sherlock bounced down the stairs of 221b Baker Street.

"I know this great place." Sherlock said. "I've been keeping my eye on it for weeks."

Sherlock grabbed his coat and put it on. He pushed the collar up.

"Why do you do that?" John asked.

"Hm?" Sherlock said.

"I never asked, why do you turn up your collar like that?" John asked.

"Oh... well..." Sherlock said. "Just habit."

"Okay." John said.

"Um... do you like it?" Sherlock said.

"Oh, well.... yeah. I guess." John said.

It was awkward neither of them could admit it. But it was awkward. Very awkward. Sherlock and John walked outside in silence. They got a taxi in silence. They sat in the taxi in silence.

"Any deductions?" John asked.

"Hm?" Sherlock said, turning from staring out the window to looking at John.

"Were there any deductions you made about me?" John said.

"Loads. Which one would you want to hear?" Sherlock asked.

"Ones involving.... uh..... my love for you." John said.

Sherlock didn't talk for a solid four seconds, as he was absolutely beaming. John couldn't help but stare at the face that he had loved forever, and can now finally show it. The cheekbones, the eyes, every feature John had fallen in love with.

"John, you have at least had some sort of feelings for me the day you shot the cabbie on that one case. I assumed it was strongly platonic. Of course, I loved you then, but I wasn't going to rush it on you." Sherlock said, speaking faster than any deduction, because this is the one he had thought about the most.

John watched Sherlock rattle off all the ways John had felt about Sherlock and couldn't help but be amazed. John didn't even know he had felt some of these ways, yet they all make perfect sense.

"Your reaction to my fake death was more than grief. It was a broken heart. That's why when you saw me two years later, you reacted so strongly. It was a form of retaliation for putting you through all this pain." Sherlock said.

"Wait- wait!" John said. Sherlock turned to look at John. "I thought you didn't understand people's emotions."

"I don't understand how you feel them, but you all feel them somewhat similarly. I can interpret them, but I don't really have emotions." Sherlock said. "There is a cliche that people like to say, 'I have feelings only for you', but for me that is entirely true. John, I never thought I would be able to love anyone. I never thought I would want to love anyone. And fore mostly, I never thought anyone would love me." Sherlock said, his blue eyes staring at John.

John laughed quietly to himself. "Oh, wow, Sherlock!" He said. John grabbed the collar of Sherlock's coat and pulled him in for another kiss.

This one took Sherlock by surprise. Sherlock kissed very few people in his life. But every time John kissed him, 2 so far, it opened Sherlock's heart to John a little bit more.

The taxi stopped. Sherlock got out of the car with John.

They walked up to the doors of the restaurant.

"Is this a date?" John asked.

"Yep." Sherlock said, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Hm. Okay." John said, seemingly unimpressed. But John couldn't help to smile as he watched Sherlock open the restaurant doors.

Hey! So how are you liking it?? I'm honestly quite proud, I just wanna make sure that y'all like it.

Is there anything I can do to make it better??? Longer chapters? Less fluff?? More fluff?? Gimme what you want. I honestly just want to make this as good as possible.

Also please comment. Even if you just say hi it means the literal world to me.

Sorry for being so annoying about all the "oh my god am I good enough what do you want" but that's just the type of writer i am.

Later! -Dillon

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