Of Course

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The next week was interesting for John and Sherlock. Sherlock was flipping between being the most romantic, loving, caring partner John had ever had... or being holed up in his mind palace. It was weird, seeing Sherlock like that. Something was up, John could feel it.

One day, in the morning while John was reading the newspaper and Sherlock was in his mind palace, Sherlock suddenly jumped off the couch. He landed on the floor and proclaimed, "John, I want to go for a walk."

John had a confused look on his face. "Um... okay?" John said.

"And I want you to come with me." Sherlock said.

"Um, yeah, okay." John said, getting up. "Let me get my- oh, Rosie! We can't leave her here alone."

"No worries! Mrs Hudson will be taking care of her." Sherlock said.

"Something about Sherlock is very... out of character." John thought. "Is he... nervous?"

"I'll have to ask Mrs Hudson, I'm sure she'll do it but it doesn't hurt to-" John said.

"I'm certain Mrs Hudson will take care of her. Let's get going, John." Sherlock said.

John put on his shoes and Sherlock led him out the door. They both patted Ben's head on the way out. The dog loved his owners very much.

There was a cab waiting outside. Sherlock jumped into it.

"Um.. Sher, aren't we going to take a walk?" John asked.

"Yes. In a certain location. Get in the car." Sherlock said.

John obeyed and got in the car. "Something is seriously up." John thought. "I wonder what's got his boxers in such a twist."

They rode in the cab in silence. About halfway through the trip, Sherlock randomly said, "I love you, John."

John was confused, but replied, "I love you too," without skipping a beat. They had gotten so comfortable saying that, they hardly even thought twice about what they were saying.

The cab stopped at a certain park. Sherlock and John got out of the cab. Sherlock laced his fingers with John's and started to walk.

"Sherlock must be very nervous, based on the immense sweatiness of his hand." John thought.

Sherlock and John walked in silence for a while, when Sherlock suddenly stopped and said, "John, do you remember this spot?"

John looked around and memories flooded back to him. "Oh, yeah." John said with a slight smile. "This... this is where I first saw Mike Stamford, after the war."

Sherlock turned so he was facing directly in front of John. Sherlock held John's hands in his.

"This spot is where our paths first connected. Where you said, 'I need a flatmate', and Stamford said, 'You're the second person to tell me that today'. Then he introduced me to you, and life began." Sherlock said, a smile growing on his face with every word. "You seeing Mike Stamford here was the greatest thing to ever happen to me."

"The same goes for me." John said.

"John, there's one thing in life that you got to do that I haven't." Sherlock said.

"That applies to a lot of scenarios." John said.

"That's very true. What I'm trying to say is that you've been through my said through everything. Death, birth. Ups and downs. So many conflicts I lost count. I'm sorry that most of them have been caused by me." Sherlock said. "No matter what, you've always been there. As my colleague, as my friend, as my best friend, and now as my boyfriend." Sherlock quietly muttered to himself, "And if all goes right, fiancé." It was quiet enough for John not to hear.

"What was that?" John asked.

"Nothing, nothing." Sherlock said, his hands were shaking violently.

John gripped Sherlock's hands tighter. "Sherl, are you okay?" John asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." Sherlock said. He took a deep breath. "What I've been trying to say, is that at this exact spot, our live connected. And at this exact spot, I'm going to ask that they never part ways again."

Sherlock let go of John's hands and reached towards his pocket. Sherlock dropped down onto one knee as he pulled the velvet box out of his pocket. Sherlock sighed deeply and cracked open the box, revealing the gold band hidden inside.

"John Hamish Watson," Sherlock asked. Time seemed to slow down as Sherlock spoke the next four words, "Will you marry me?"

Without missing a single second of time, not even pausing to think about it, John said, "Of course!" John's face erupted into the biggest smile Sherlock had ever seen. "Yes, of course! Yes, Sherlock! Yes!"

Both John and Sherlock's eyes started to flood with tears as Sherlock slipped the ring onto John's finger. Sherlock stood up and wrapped John in an embrace as they kissed more passionately than ever before.

After what seemed like an eternity, they broke apart. Sherlock held John in a tight hug as Sherlock said, "I love you. I want to spend my entire life with you, making you happy. I don't know what the future is going to hold for us. All I know is that you're going to be in it now. That's all I ever needed to know." Sherlock's tears were rolling onto John's shoulder.

"I love you too." John said, face buried in Sherlock's shoulder. "The day I marry you will be the most important, happiest, and best day of my life because it means I'll get to live out the remainder of my life with you."

Sherlock kissed John again. They stayed like that, completely invested in each other, because Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are going to get married.


okay i'm the one who wrote that chapter and i'm crying.

well, I don't really have to defend myself because that chapter was so happy and adorable. I hope you guys liked reading it as much as I liked writing it.

I actually wrote this chapter the same day I wrote the last one, but I wanted to make you guys wait for it. mwah ha ha.

I just finished Supernatural season 3. This obsession is ruining my life.

anyways, i'll leave y'all alone for now.


Song: "Alone Together" by Fall Out Boy :: listen to it. it goes so perfectly with this chapter. I love it.

Comment with your favorite part of this book so far. Vote if you think I made the correct decision of having Sherlock propose.

Or just vote if you liked the chapter. that works too, y'know.

love you all so much. see you later! -Dillon

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