Coming Out: Lestrade

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*One week later*

"I'm feeling something new, John." Sherlock said, holding John's hand as they stood in front of the door to Scotland Yard. They were going to go in, the first time as a couple. "My heart is beating fast, my breathing is staggered, and I'm sweating. Is this... Anxiety?"

"Yes, it would be anxiety, Sherlock." John said.

"Why am I experiencing anxiety? I'm comfortable with this situation, the outcome is most likely going to be positive. Why am I so anxious?" Sherlock said.

"It's fear, Sherlock. You're afraid of being rejected. No matter how confident you are in yourself, there's a nagging feeling that it's all going to go wrong. That's causing your anxiety."

Sherlock turned to look at John, a loving smile on his face. "When did you get so smart?" Sherlock said.

John sighed with a smile on his face. "So... Are you ready to go in?"

"Yes." Sherlock said. "The game is on, John."

Sherlock and John walked into Scotland Yard. They had a little bit of news for Lestrade.


"So, boys, haven't seen you two around here in a while." Lestrade said, sitting at his desk. John and Sherlock were sitting comfortably in Lestrade's office, both of them more nervous than they had ever been before.

"Yes, we've been busy." John said. "Sherlock got a puppy."

"Oh, really?" Lestrade said excitedly. "How are you liking it Sherlock? Having a puppy?"

Sherlock, his anxiety taking over, wasn't really paying attention. He was straining to her snippets of conversation from out in the hallway.

John, noticing this behavior of Sherlock's, asked Lestrade if the door could be closed. Once the three of them were together, alone, Sherlock couldn't do anything but pay attention to the conversation.

After an embarrassingly long silence, Lestrade broke it by saying, "So, what brought you two in today?"

"We have some news for you, Lestrade." John said. He sighed heavily. "Me... And Sherlock... Are.... Uh..."

"In a relationship." Sherlock interjected.

Lestrade smiled, a proud smile that would grace any father's face. "I'm so happy for you boys. Two men as incredible as you deserve someone equally as great. As long as you two are happy, I'm happy." Lestrade stood up in an attempt to give them both a hug.

Sherlock, to everyone's surprise, got up very quickly and slammed his body into Lestrade's and wrapped him in a tight hug. Sherlock didn't let go for a solid minute, and Lestrade could swear Sherlock was crying. No one knew what Sherlock was thinking or feeling, not even Sherlock.

"Alright, we'd better get going. More people to tell." John said, and Sherlock slowly let go of Lestrade. John gave Lestrade a quick but heartfelt hug. "We'll have you over one day to see the puppy."

"Take care, guys!" Lestrade said.

Sherlock and John left the building.

"So, your first coming out experience. How was it?" John said.

"Terrifying. But worth it." Sherlock said.

"May I ask... What was with the hug?" John said.

"I don't know." Sherlock said. "I've always said never to let your heart rule your head. But I think my heart took control for a second. It was weird, not thinking and just doing."

"You're human Sherlock. And you're starting to act like one." John said.

"I guess I am." Sherlock said. "So, where to next?"

"Saint Bart's Hospital." John said.

"Isn't she still on maternity leave?" Sherlock asked.

"Just started work again yesterday." John said.

Sherlock and John started heading off for the hospital. Someone's going to have a bit of a surprise when they get there.

I swear every time I check my notifications there is something there, and for that... I THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!

I apologize for the bit of a break between these chapters. I'm doing my best, my lovelies.

Song: "Control" by Halsey :: Because I am currently getting obsessed with her.

Comment here with any suggestions or constructive criticism you have for my writing. Vote if you think it's already great. I appreciate any and all feedback.

ILY ALL! -Dillon

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