The Wedding Part 1

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The day was here. The day Sherlock had been waiting almost ten years for.

The day Sherlock and John were going to get married.

Sherlock had been planning the wedding to every exact detail. Everything was absolutely perfect, and he wanted it to go no other way. Every single detail was analyzed until he was one hundred percent sure that nothing could go wrong.

That morning Sherlock woke up, alone in the flat. John had insisted that even though this wasn't a traditional wedding, the groom should not see his... well... groom before the wedding. So even though Sherlock wanted nothing more than to see his wonderful soon-to-be husband, he wanted to make sure that John was perfectly happy during this day.

Sherlock called everyone on his list. Just a check-up for the wedding, he convinced himself. But he knew that deep down, he was afraid of the same thing he was afraid of every day.

That John didn't love him. That John truly was straight. That John had been tricking himself into loving Sherlock. That one day he would wake up out of a trance and not love Sherlock anymore.

Sherlock was afraid of this, every day they were together. But the wedding heightened his fears infinitely.

Sherlock pushed all his bad thoughts out of his mind. He couldn't deal with them. Not today. Everything was to be perfect.


(several hours later)

Everyone had arrived to the venue. It was a small chapel right on the outskirts of London. Sherlock and John were getting ready in separate rooms.

"Everything is going to be great!" Lestrade said, as he was Sherlock's best man. "This is amazing!"

"I'm so proud of you, dear." Mrs. Hudson said, fixing some of Sherlock's curls.

"Yes, I guess it's pretty exciting." Sherlock said.

"There's the excitement I've been looking forward to!" Lestrade said.

"Alright, the time is growing close, so I'm going to go with John. See you on the aisle, Sherlock!" Mrs. Hudson said, disappearing through the door to be with John. She's the one walking him down the aisle, since his real parents refused to.

Sherlock looked over himself in the mirror. "Oh, by the way, congratulations Greg." Sherlock said nonchalantly.

"What?" Lestrade said. "What do you mean?"

"Your ring." Sherlock said. "Do you really think you could have hidden it from me?"

Lestrade covered his left hand with his right. "Oh yeah. I guess I should tell you that-"

"You and Mycroft have been dating for years and you decided to elope." Sherlock said. "Again Lestrade, please remember that I'm the world's greatest detective."

"Yeah, I guess..." Lestrade said. He looked sad. Ashamed almost.

"Lestrade." Sherlock said. "I'm very happy for you and Mycroft. You deserve each other. You shouldn't be as ashamed of yourselves as you are. Use this reception to be open about your relationship. It obviously makes both of you very happy."

"Thanks, Sherlock." Lestrade said. "That means a lot."


Mrs Hudson walked into John's room just as him and Mike Stamford, his best man, finished up their conversation.

"Oh, John! You look so nice!" Mrs Hudson said, beaming with pride.

"Thanks." John said.

"Are you ready?" Mrs Hudson asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." John said.

"You know, in all the years I've known you," Mike Stamford said, "I never would have expected you to marry a man."

"Well, times change, Mike." John said.

But that set off a chain reaction of thoughts in his mind.

"I'm marrying a man. Never in all my years would I have ever done that. I'm not even gay, not even bisexual. But yet I'm dating a man. I've had sex with a man. I'm marrying a man in an hour. What happened?"

John tried to throw away the thoughts, but they wouldn't stop coming.

"Am I just tricking myself into being with Sherlock? Maybe I'm confusing platonic love with romantic love. Am I still in love with Mary and just transferring these feelings to Sherlock? Am I making the right decision here?"

Mrs. Hudson checked the clock. "John! It's time to walk down the aisle! Are you ready?"

"Yeah." John said.

But was he?

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