Coming Out: Molly Hooper

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Sherlock and John were standing at Saint Bartholomew's Hospital.

"Remember when I jumped from the top of that?" Sherlock said nonchalantly.

John turned to Sherlock, in a state of shock. He really doesn't realize how much pain and misery that caused everyone, does he? John thought.

"Well, of course I remember. I remember how upset I was." John said, sarcastic at first and then turning a bit angry. "I remember how I almost-" John stopped himself. "Never mind. But I do remember how you came back two years later and made me shave."

"Oh, yes." Sherlock said. "Well, we better get going then."


Sherlock and John quickly found the lab where Molly was working for the day. They saw her, hunched over a microscope.

"Molly Hooper." Sherlock said, rather abruptly. In fact, it scared Molly so bad that she jumped and knocked a stack of papers off the desk in front of her.

John rushed to her aid while Sherlock stood frozen in the doorway. "Let me help you with that." John helped stack up all the papers. "So, Molly, how's motherhood treating you?" John asked.

"Oh it's a pain in the arse." Molly said. "But I absolutely adore my little Daniel."

"I remember when Rosie was that age." John said. "Now she's five. It will get better. And if you need me or Sherlock to help out with whatever, we will do whatever we can."

"Oh, thank you." Molly said. "What murder are you guys solving today?"

"We're not solving a murder today, although I would like to. John, we'll have to get ourselves a case soon." Sherlock said.

"Not until Ben is better trained." John said.

"Um, Ben?" Molly asked.

"Our puppy." Sherlock said. "We got a dog."

"I'll have to come by and see him sometime." Molly said. Then there were a couple seconds of awkward silence. "So, uh, if you guys aren't solving murders, then what are you here for?"

"Molly, we have some news." John said. "Sherlock and I... Are.... Uh..."

"In a relationship." Sherlock interjected again.

Without missing a beat, John said, "Second time, Sherlock."

Molly was just stood there, speechless.

"Does this usually happen? Was Lestrade an exception?" Sherlock asked John.

"No, Molly is just, processing." John replied.

Molly spoke again. "I'm happy for you two. Really happy. I hope you'll be happy together."

"Thank you, Molly." Sherlock said, walking up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You and Mark are happy, me and John are happy. It's all working out."

"Can I ask you guys a couple questions? About your relationship and all?" Molly said.

"Um, sure." John said.

Sherlock and John sat patiently and answered every one of Molly's questions. Molly was always patient and understanding with Sherlock, and now it's Sherlock's and John's turn to be the same to her.

In the end, Sherlock and John left happily hand in hand. Molly saw them walk out, a smile on her face.

'Sherlock was my crush for many years. But I moved on. Now so should he. If he is capable of loving John this much, then I never want anything to happen that would make Sherlock unhappy.'  Molly thought to herself.

It was a good day for everyone.


Hey y'all. Thank you all so much for the reads and the comments and everything you lovelies have done for my book. I love y'all so much.

Song: "Things We Used To Share" -Thomas Sanders:: okay Thomas Sanders is such an adorable and pure human being and he is so talented. Plus this song is pure gold. Go check him out on YouTube!

Okay, I'm not gonna say much today.

Vote if you think I should update more often. Comment if you think I should add a certain one shot or headcanon.

I love y'all.


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