Resturant Part 2

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The waiter came up on John and Sherlock's table at the worst possible time.

The waiter was a young girl with blonde hair and flawless makeup. Her name tag read Hannah.

"Uh... Can I get you started with any drinks?" She asked. "Sirs. Any drinks sirs?" She quickly added, obviously nervous.

Sherlock began his deductions in order to avoid the increasing heat between his legs. His deductions ended in only six seconds. Hannah: Is between 23 and 24 years old. Her hair is bleached blonde for vanity. She recently broke up with her boyfriend, named Keith, because he was cheating. She moved into a new flat, a dingy flat, and got a cat to keep her company. She's looking for a new suitor. She has this job because she's straight out of college and has no use for her degree, which happens to be in meteorology.

"Sir?" Hannah asked Sherlock. "Drink?"

"Oh, yes, just water." Sherlock said.

As Hannah walked away, John leaned towards Sherlock and asked quietly, "So what's her degree?"

Sherlock smirked at how smart John was getting. "Meteorology." Sherlock answered.

John leaned back in awe. "Every time you do that it still amazes me." John said. This time, the stupid expression on John's face could clearly be deduced as love.

They sat in silence, staring intently at their menus, deciding what to order, until the waitress came back with two waters. "Can I take your order gentlemen?" She asked politely, turning slightly towards John.

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll take the... Uh... Soup special for today." John said. "With the baguette and salad."

"Noted. And for you sir?" Hannah said, turning to Sherlock.

"I will tell you my order if you can tell me this." Sherlock said, his voice lowering to a near a growl. A commanding growl. "I know you cook shrimp in the kitchen. If there is any indication of shrimp near the salad, I will personally get this restaurant shut down. I can and will be able to detect any trace of shrimp on that dish. You will be shut down. Is that clear?"

"Uh... Yes. Yes sir." Hannah answered, looking somewhat frightened.

Sherlock returned to his normal voice and ordered a grilled cheese off the kids menu. The waitress hurried off.

John looked at Sherlock like he was trying to figure out a puzzle. "So you know I'm allergic to shrimp, huh?" John said.

"Don't act that way. You told me when you first moved in. I didn't deduce it from your shirt sleeves." Sherlock said, sipping his water. When Sherlock put down the glass, he added, "Although I did also deduce it from you shirt sleeves."

"Sherlock, you don't have to deduce everything." John said. "We're in a nice restaurant. Enjoy yourself."

"Deducing is a way to cope with my anxiety." Sherlock said, like it was nothing.

"Why do you have anxiety at a perfectly nice restaurant like this? It's not like it's going to get blown up by terrorists or-"

"I'm on a date with you!" Sherlock said, interrupting John. "I'm on a bloody date with you and if I screw this up then it's over!" Sherlock said, his voice strong but also weak. "I've been waiting for this moment for nine years! And if I mess this us then I don't get another chance!" Sherlock said, close to yelling. "I've wanted this for so long, and I just want you to be happy, John." Sherlock said, his voice immediately dropping into a register of sadness and pain. "I usually don't say things like this, but I don't want to lose you." Sherlock averted his eyes far away from John's in a state of embarrassment.

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