Doctor Doctor

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"You're so pretty. You know that?" Harry asked softly, moving his raven colored hair away from those beautiful eyes.

He gazed down at him, comfortably taking in every little feature of his face. Harry could've done it for hours.

"I know." Zayn smiled up at him. "But, thank you."

"Be mine. Please." Harry said rather desperately, moving closer and holding his face.

"Okay." Zayn barely whispered, looking at Harry's lips.

Harry moved forward to kiss him, their lips just beginning to meet when the whole scene was smeared away like ink that hadn't dried yet.

Harry's fantasies and dreams of Zayn were like ink that would never dry.

They would forever be smeared away, ruined by the hideous face of reality.

"Get up." Liam said, nudging him again and bringing him fully into consciousness.

Harry groaned as he opened his eyes, shifting onto his back and glaring at his roommate. "It's the one day I'm off. You better have a damn good reason to be waking me like this."

The rasp of his morning voice paired with his aggression left Harry sounding far from himself.

Liam had to stare at him a moment before replying.

"Your therapy appointment is in an hour."

Harry squinted at the clock on his nightstand.

"What therapist sees patients on a Saturday? I told you I'm not going, I don't need to." Harry said.

"Yes, you do. If you put a bunch of pictures of him up on the walls like that again I'll have you institutionalized." Liam warned.

"If you'd stay out of my room with your obsessive compulsive self you wouldn't have to see them." Harry mumbled.

Liam was the one who needed to see a therapist in Harry's opinion.

Freaking out because of uneven pillows, or fingerprints on glass.

"This guy is good, he's my friend. That's the only reason I was able to get you an appointment on a Saturday. He usually only sees people during the week, but since I know him and told him how bad off you are he's agreed to see you on Saturdays." Liam explained.

"Bad off? Since when was being in love being bad off?" Harry scoffed.

"Since being in love meant following your neighbor when he goes out to run errands. Since it meant stalking his boyfriend and constantly questioning why he exists and has to breathe. Since it meant sitting in your bedroom window with binoculars and-"

"Okay! Out. Out." Harry spat, sitting up and waving for Liam to leave.

"What, you sleeping naked again?" Liam asked flatly.

"Well yeah. Felt so free after being naked and playing with myself I just had to stay that way." Harry said, knowing that would make Liam uncomfortable.

"Please tell me you....sanitized after." Liam winced.

"Actually, after I was done I rolled around in your bed." Harry smirked.

"Harry that's not funny. Don't joke like that." Liam said, getting goosebumps of discomfort.

"Leave." Harry said, getting out of bed and not caring what Liam saw anymore.

Liam made a face of disgust, finally leaving the room.

Harry sighed heavily, lazily stepping into a pair of avacado printed boxer-briefs.

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