I Want You

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Harry went home after therapy, his previous train of thought completely scrambled.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Liam asked when Harry came in with a strange look on his face.

"Niall quit." Harry said, feeling stupid because he felt abandoned.

"Is it because of what happened with you two?" Liam asked.

"He said he needed to get out of here and clear his head. He just said it out of nowhere, today was our last session." Harry said, following Liam into the kitchen.

"Yeah it was probably because of what happened." Liam figured. "I'm sorry though."

"It was one night we were both completely drunk I don't see why it's such a big deal." Harry said.

"How many times have I said that." Louis mumbled to himself, at the table reading a magazine.

"Hopefully not many." Liam said, looking at him.

"Oh dozens, babe. You know I'm a good time." Louis winked.

"Can you please not for like two seconds?" Harry snapped.

"Because you said please." Louis said with a fake smile.

"He left information for a new therapist but I don't even wanna go. I'm fine now I don't need it." Harry shrugged.

"I'll just miss venting." He added.

"You can always vent to me, Harry." Liam assured him.

"Me too if you don't mind judgement and commentary." Louis chimed in.

"I'm good." Harry said to him, glancing at Liam before he started to leave.

"Hey, we're going out again tonight. Want to come?" Liam asked.

Harry opened his mouth to say no, but sure came out for some reason.

"I'm going to take a nap." He said, leaving the room.

Harry knew he needed to rest up before another night out.

A smart thing to do would be to go ahead and tell himself now not drink too much.

To have a calm, responsible night.

But Harry wasn't into that right now.

He was craving chaos because of all the feelings he was keeping contained.

He couldn't wait to get stupid tonight.


About four hours into their outing, Harry was feeling great.

He danced with so many strangers, and laughed and sang with them like he'd known them forever.

He didn't even remember their faces, or any of their features really.

To him, in this state, they were just fellow faceless beings moving with him in a world of flashing lights and loud music.

It was fun for a while, but soon Harry started to feel more 'I'm gonna puke' dizzy than 'no really, I'm good' dizzy.

So, he began to search for Liam and Louis to see if they were ready to leave as well.

The club they picked was packed of course, so finding them became the most complicated task on the planet.

The moment Harry decided to stop walking and just look around him, he was bumped into and almost knocked to the ground.

He steadied himself and blinked, recognizing Eric.

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