Baby Doll

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"So what am I supposed to do when the two of you get married? Where am I going to live? You know, you really didn't take my needs into consideration." Louis said to Eric and Zayn at breakfast the next day.

He wasn't the least bit hungover, regardless of his condition last night.

"He'll move in here." Zayn replied casually, talking about Eric.

"Oh." Louis said.

Eric chuckled. "I'm guessing you were prepared to argue."

"Always." Louis winked.

"So, how do you two feel? You're engaged now." Louis smiled.

"Feels like the greatest decision I've ever made." Eric said, looking at Zayn so fondly.

Zayn smiled. "Yeah, feels really good."

"Well, sounded like it felt really good last night too." Louis said, making Zayn blush.

Eric cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck before he went to take his plate to the sink.

"It's a shame it has to rain on our first day of being engaged." Eric said.

"Wait, it's raining?" Louis asked, getting excited.

"Yes. It often does. Why?" Zayn spoke up.

"Liam doesn't have to work when it rains." Louis said, getting up.

"You're really starting to like him, aren't you?" Zayn smiled knowingly.

Louis paused, blushing. "I-I mean yeah. He's a cool guy. Sure I like him." He shrugged.

"No, you loove him." Eric teased, pouring himself more coffee.

"Oh shut up." Louis scoffed, leaving the room.

"S'cute. The way he's falling for him." Eric commented, sitting back down across from his fiance.

"Yeah." Zayn said quietly, looking down into his coffee.

"We should fix Harry up with one of our friends, babe. He deserves to be happy too." Eric said.

"I don't know how I feel about fix ups. They don't always end up good." Zayn said.

"I think ours did." Eric smiled.

"True. But still, I dunno."

"Well maybe we could at least introduce him?" Eric suggested.

"Okay, but to which friend?" Zayn asked.

"I'll have to think." Eric said, drinking his coffee.

Zayn nodded some, looking towards the window and watching the rain.


Harry opened his eyes, immediately sitting up and looking around when he realized he wasn't in his bedroom.

He was in a hotel room.

Harry blinked a few times, lifting the covers and seeing that he was naked.

He frowned, trying to access his memories through the throbbing in his head.

His mouth tasted awful, and his eyes felt dry.

Harry rolled himself out of bed, too dizzy to stand up just yet, so he sat on the floor next to his pants and dug his phone out of the front pocket.

So many missed calls from Liam.

Harry sighed heavily, the memories coming back to him now.

Zayn and Eric were engaged.

He, at the time, didn't know how to deal with that so he went out and got wasted, danced until the sun came up and crashed in a hotel room.

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