Dinner and a Smoke

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Note: this is a look back at Friday night after Harry left


Eric didn't get back until late that night, waking Zayn up as he fell into bed giggling.

He'd obviously stayed after the game and got drunk with Liam, which pissed Zayn off.

Zayn frowned as he felt Eric start to touch his side.

"Go to sleep." Zayn said, smacking his hand away.

"C'mon babe, how about victory sex? We won." Eric chuckled, trying to touch him again.

"No! Go to sleep!" Zayn said, shoving him away.

"What's wrong with you?" Eric asked, still chuckling.

"You woke me up! It's like two in the fucking morning!" Zayn said angrily, moving away from him and curling back up.

"You're always so grumpy when you don't get your sleep." Eric mumbled, closing his eyes.

"I love that about you. I'm not saying that because I-I'm drunk I'm saying it because I love you. You're my life and I can't wait to marry you." Eric said.

"Mhmm. I love you too. Take your drunk ass to dream land okay?" Zayn asked.

Eric giggled one last time before he quieted down.

Zayn sighed, trying to relax.

Eventually he was able to get back to sleep, but then he began to dream.

He was arguing with Harry in the garden center, the two throwing pots at each other and screaming.

Zayn wasn't even sure what they were arguing about.

All he knew was that when things quieted down, they walked closer to each other.

Harry was talking to him but Zayn didn't know what he was saying.

He could feel the depth of Harry's voice, and see his eyes, but he couldn't make out any words.

Zayn watched Harry sweep his arm across a nearby table, knocking several pots of flowers to the floor.

He grabbed Zayn by his arm, swiftly lifting him up by his sides and putting him on the table.

Zayn blinked and they were both naked, grabbing each others bodies and pulling closer to each other.

They shared dozens of heated kisses, and in another blink Zayn was laying back on the table with Harry thrusting into him.

His curls slipped out of their pile on top of his head, hanging down near his eyes now, moving with each thrust.

Their eyes were locked, mouths open and uneven breaths being released between them.

"F-Fuck, so good." Zayn praised shakily, his entire body feeling like jelly.

"You like it baby?" Harry asked, those being his first clear words.

Zayn nodded, closing his eyes as it all got more intense.

He knew the table was going to break soon, he could feel it.

But that feeling wasn't the one he was focused on.

He whimpered, his eyes fluttering between open and closed as he felt his orgasm approaching.

"He can't make you feel like this, can he." Harry said more than asked.

"No." Zayn breathed.

"Who can?"

Zayn groaned, his jaw going slack from how incredible it all felt.

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