Assistant To The Regional Manager

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On Monday morning, Harry slept in until almost eleven.

The moment he woke up, he realized he didn't like this.

He'd much rather have a routine, he wanted another job.

Zayn didn't need him anymore, and he wasn't going to sit here alone with his thoughts all day.

Harry got up and took a shower, dressed but still drying his hair as he went into the kitchen.

Nothing in sight triggered his appetite, so he looked through the cabinets and the fridge.

Apparently all Liam ate for his three meals a day was Louis.

Harry rolled his eyes, knowing he would have to go grocery shopping.

But with what money?

As he turned to walk into the living room, the doorbell rang.

Harry squeezed his damp curls once more before tossing the towel aside and attempting to make them look decent.

He opened the door, slightly surprised to see Zayn standing there.

Immediately Harry folded his arms. "Hello."

"Hey, can we talk?" Zayn asked, looking up at him with those big beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, of course." Harry broke immediately, smiling and letting him in.

"How've you been?" Zayn asked, able to smell him.

He also noticed that his hair was damp.

"Fine, I guess. You?" Harry asked.

"Better. Mentally and physically." Zayn nodded.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, glad for him.

"Yeah, I called one of my favorite cousins over to talk to. We've always been there for each other and I hadn't talked to him in ages because I was so busy with Eric. I felt awful about that for so long and now that's settled. We're okay again." Zayn said.

"That's great." Harry smiled, feeling relieved that it'd just been Zayn's cousin.

"Next, I want to make things okay between us again. I'm sorry for using you like I did. It was wrong." Zayn said.

Harry nodded. "It's okay."

"It isn't. But, I promise you it won't happen again. I feel more like myself now and I'm more in the mood to write than I've ever been." Zayn explained.

"So, want to help me with this next book?" Zayn smiled at him.

Harry couldn't help but smile back. "Absolutely."

"Good. You could be like my assistant if you want. I'll pay you." Zayn offered.

Harry was frowning now. "You'll pay me? You don't have to do that, I want to help you."

"I know, I want you to help me too. And I don't want some dumb job keeping you away from me."

"I mean, away from helping me and stuff." Zayn quickly corrected.

"Right." Harry smirked.

"Seriously though, friend. How about it?" Zayn asked. "I miss your ideas and having you there to talk to." He added, being honest.

Harry was quite overwhelmed, mainly with joy, but he managed to nod. "Sure, yeah let's do it."

"Okay, want to come over?" Zayn asked.

"Sure, let me finish getting dressed." Harry said, fixing his collar now.

He folded it down as he began to look for his towel he tossed, exposing all of his neck.

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