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Note: Louis has a job. He always has, but now it's relevant.


Louis and Zayn didn't get back from the hospital until almost one in the morning.

In Zayn's left wrist the bones were badly bruised, resulting in him having to wear a brace and try to use that wrist as few times as possible.

His right wrist was broken, and now in a cast.

He was sent home with loads of medications, and the date for his next visit to see how he'd healed.

The next morning when he woke up, he honestly didn't even want to get out of bed.

Still, he forced himself to do so.

He struggled to get up since he couldn't push off the bed anymore, but he made it to his feet.

Zayn went downstairs into the kitchen where Louis was pouring his coffee into a travel mug.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Louis asked, giving him a sympathetic look.

"Like my wrists are broken." Zayn muttered, walking over to where his pain pills were on the counter.

His fingers were free on his left hand, but not so much on his right because of the bulky cast.

He tried holding the bottle with his right hand and opening it with his left, but any bit of applied pressure hurt too much.

"Here." Louis said, taking it and opening it for him.

"One every few hours right?" He asked.

"Give me two." Zayn said, getting a glass with his left hand.

It hurt to even hold the glass.

"Are you sure? Is that safe?" Louis frowned, trying to read the bottle.

"Yes! Just please give me two." Zayn snapped.

"Okay grumpy." Louis said, putting the pills in the palm of his....cast.

Zayn couldn't even turn the knob so the sink water would come out.

"Can you-"

"Sure." Louis said, turning it for him.

He also took the glass and filled it, holding it as Zayn drank after popping the pills into his mouth.

"Thanks." Zayn said when he finished.

"Zayn I'm worried about leaving you alone." Louis admitted, putting the glass down.

"Then don't." Zayn said, honestly wanting company at the moment, no matter how grumpy he was.

"I have to go to work." Louis said.

"Maybe Liam is off today."

"He's a construction worker. The weather is supposed to be great today, he'll probably be working." Zayn said.

"But maybe this is his off day, though. Wouldn't hurt to check, right? Obviously I can't just leave you here like this, you can barely do anything."

"Thanks, Lou. You always know how to make me feel good about myself." Zayn muttered.

"I know what I mean. Sit tight, okay? I'm going over to talk to Liam." He said.

"Okay." Zayn sighed, sitting at the table.

Louis jogged across the street, luckily catching Liam just as he was coming outside.

"Well good morning gorgeous." Liam smiled, making Louis blush.

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