Nice and Friendly

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It took just over a week for all of the snow to melt, but after that the temperature dropped again.

It was more of a dry cold this time.

The type that made you dread having to go outside for anything.

Harry really failed to see the point of his job around this time of year, but he wasn't complaining.

Less work, same microscopic paycheck.

It truly was a party.

One Thursday night after work, Harry was thrilled to go out to his car and find that it wouldn't start.

He looked towards the road, wondering how long he'd have to stand there before getting hit.

Or, if he walked a little ways into a certain neighborhood he'd only have to wait a few minutes before he was taken out.

Harry sighed, sending his fingers through his hair and thinking.

He knew he couldn't walk home in this weather.

Or any weather really because of the distance.


He took his phone out and called Liam.

Harry got no answer the first time, but the second time he called Liam picked up after a few rings.

"What is it?" He answered, sounding out of breath.

"I need you to come get me from work, car won't start and I'm freezing." Harry said, walking back towards the building.

"What- now? I-I'm a little preoccupied." Liam said quickly.

"Very." Louis snapped from the background.

"Come on, I need you Liam."

"I'm out with Louis, my car is at home." Liam said.

"Can't you just come get me in whatever vehicle you're in? Please?" Harry asked, getting irritated.

"I'll call Zayn and Eric to go get him." Louis spoke up.

"Zayn and Eric will be there soon Harry." Liam said.

"Perfect." Harry muttered, going back inside.

After they hung up Harry sat in one of the display patio chairs, playing around on his phone.

He did this for almost twenty minutes, looking up from his phone when he saw Eric coming in.

"What's wrong with your car?" Eric frowned.

"It just wouldn't start." Harry said, getting up.

"Want me to take a look at it for you?"

"Now?" Harry asked as they walked across the parking lot.

"No, preferably during the day when it's not so frigid. If you have it towed back home I'd be glad to check it out for you. I have a lot of mechanics in my family, including my dad." Eric said.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

Maybe Eric wasn't completely useless.

"Where's Zayn?" Harry frowned when he saw the car was empty.

"He decided to stay in. He loves the look of winter but not the feel." Eric said.

Harry smiled a little, realizing he was the same way.

"He gets cold so easily. I guess it's because he's so small." Eric smiled as he thought about him.

"Ah." Harry made himself answer, slightly irritated now.

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