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"Harry." Liam scolded when he caught him sitting at his bedroom window with his binoculars again.

"He wanted to be left alone."

"And I did leave him alone. It's been days and he hasn't left the house. I'm concerned. He could be dead." Harry said, about to go insane.

"Did you forget Louis lives there?" Liam asked.

"Louis lives on your dick." Harry scoffed, adjusting the binoculars.

Liam blushed, frowning. "No he....that's not-"

"It's been exactly six days. That's enough right? I can go back and check on him right?" Harry almost whined.

"No, Harry. I told you it would be a better idea to let him come to you." Liam said. "Wait until he's comfortable enough to socialize again."

"Imagine being away from Louis for six days." Harry said.

Liam shrugged. "I could handle it."

"Bullshit." Harry muttered, about to get up and stomp downstairs until he saw movement across the street.

He practically glued himself to the window, his jaw dropping as he saw someone other than Zayn coming out of the house.

It was a man.

Harry frowned as he watched the man and Zayn get into Zayn's car.

"Who's that?" Liam frowned, watching as well.

Harry didn't respond, staring hard as Zayn drove away.

How had he missed this?

Who was that man and how long had he been over there? What did he and Zayn do?

"Harry?" Liam asked cautiously, worried he'd snapped.

"I don't know who that was." Harry said calmly, getting up.

"I don't care." He added, lying.

"Oh please." Liam scoffed, chuckling some.

"Just- shut up!" Harry spat, storming off.

"Harry wait, where are you going?" Liam asked, hurrying after him.

"I'll be on his porch when he gets back. I want an explanation." Harry said.

Liam jumped in front of him and stopped him from going out the front door. "Hear me out. Okay? Maybe...you need to focus on something or someone else. I mean, have you eaten at all lately? All you've done is watch his house like a hawk."

"Yes, I've eaten. And of course I have. He kissed me, Liam. We kissed for a while. It's all I can think about." Harry admitted.

"Well think about kissing someone else." Liam said. "Just...pretend Zayn doesn't exist."

Harry gave him a look. "What the hell, Liam?"

"I'm just trying to help. I think focusing on him so much is tearing you apart. You need a break."

"I do not, I'm fine." Harry mumbled, picking at a knot forming in his tangled and greasy curls.

Liam looked at the dark circles under Harry's big eyes, noticing that he seemed a little hunched over.

"Listen, how about you take a shower and then let me take you out. Dinner and drinks? Maybe we could go to that club downtown you used to love."

"I didn't love it, I loved how clean the bathrooms were. It was new then, they're probably trashed now." Harry muttered.

"Please let me take you out for some fun." Liam begged, making eye contact.

Harry stared at him for a little bit. "I don't want dinner. Just the drinks."

"So you want to get as trashed as those bathrooms." Liam chuckled.

"Why not?" Harry shrugged hopelessly.

Liam patted his shoulder.

"Cheer up. You'll enjoy it, I know you will."


"I want to go home!" Harry complained over the music, pouting.

"Just keep drinking." Liam insisted before disappearing back into the crowd to find Louis and dance.

Harry thought it would be just him and Liam, but here he was third-wheeling.

He was too drunk to be truly upset about it, but not drunk enough to completely ignore it.

So, he ordered a stronger drink and gulped it down.

He just sat there at the bar, able to feel himself floating away from sobriety.

He'd slipped into a haze now, everyone seeming to blur together.

Harry could also hear his full bladder screaming at him to get up and go to the bathroom.

With a dramatic sigh, he got to his feet and made his way through the crowd.

Nobody seemed to have faces until he looked directly at them, which made him feel slightly paranoid.

"This is so nice. Much better than being at home where it's quiet and clean and not packed with degenerates." He muttered to himself, almost walking into the wall.

It seemed like no matter how much he drank, Harry couldn't get rid of that streak of bitterness inside of him.

He ran into someone as he tried to enter the bathroom, pausing as the person broke into a small fit of laughter, leaning on him.

They were just as drunk as he was.

They patted his chest as they stood back up straight, quietly commenting about how firm it was.

"I uh, I'm sorry, I didn't-"

He cut himself off, staring up at Harry.

Harry stared back at the blurry, yet very familiar individual.

Familiar, and suddenly so attractive.

"See you there." He finished, still staring.

"Y-You look nice." He added, blushing.

"See me in the last stall." Harry said softly, not taking the time to think anything through.

He didn't feel that he needed to.

He knew what he wanted at the moment, which was all the mattered.

"I'd love to." They responded in a whisper, not breaking eye contact as he and Harry stumbled into the stall together.

Harry pinned him against the wall, kissing him hard.

He moaned quietly, returning every bit of Harry's aggressive, drunken affection.

Harry let himself get lost, knowing this little incident wouldn't matter in the morning.

Hell, he probably wouldn't even remember this in the morning.

It was harmless.

A/N: Alright so I already know who I wanted this person to be. However, I'd love it if you guys guessed 😏 if I see a really wild guess who knows I might go with that instead 🤷‍♀️

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