Turning Tables

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Zayn gasped into consciousness Saturday morning, immediately looking around his bed for Harry.

He'd just had a dream that seemed so real he thought he was awake.

Zayn sighed heavily, quickly trying to think of all the things that turned him off as he stared up at the ceiling.

But it was too late.

He was so turned on, and couldn't do a thing about it with his wrists like this.

From where he was he could hear someone messing around in the kitchen.

Harry was already here cooking breakfast again.

Zayn sat up, his mind racing with thoughts.

He knew he was lonely, there was no doubt about that.

He missed the company, being held, being kissed on the forehead, the sex, the conversations.

Mainly the sex at the moment.

He wanted Harry.


He didn't care anymore.

Louis wasn't here, maybe they could pick up where they left off yesterday.

Even if Harry left in a bad mood...

Zayn got out of bed, quickly making his way downstairs.

He purposely messed up his hair, thinking about removing his shirt too.

Anything to turn Harry on.

Zayn walked into the kitchen, stopping when he didn't see Harry.

"Hey, listen-"

"I'm calling the police." Zayn said, going straight for the phone.

"At least let me explain! Please, Zayn." Eric begged, fighting his urge to grab Zayn and stop him.

"You're trespassing. That's the explanation." Zayn snapped.

"There was a fire in my apartment building, most of my place is gone. I'm staying in a hotel right now and it's near here. All I do is think about you Zayn I had to come back." Eric said quickly.

Zayn paused with the phone in his hand and 91 dialed.

"A fire?" Zayn asked, getting a sick feeling.

Eric nodded. "One of my neighbors had some wiring problems and they apparently started sparking and caught on fire."

"Oh, good." Zayn said without thinking.

Eric frowned. "Good?"

"That it wasn't some psycho doing it on purpose." Zayn clarified.

"How'd you get in here?"

"My key." Eric answered.

"Give me it." Zayn demanded.

Eric tossed it onto the table after digging it out of his pocket.

"I just wanted to talk, and see how you were. I feel awful Zayn. I want to make things right, I want us to be us again. I want to marry you." Eric told him, looking at him with those sad blue eyes.

"That's never going to happen. Eric we're done, okay? Just move on."

"Move on? Zayn I love you. You're it for me, there is no moving on." Eric told him, for some reason reminding him of Harry.

"Then suffer." Zayn said coldly, pointing for him to leave.

"Zayn please-"

"Please what? What do you want? Me to be dumb and fall back into your arms? To let you in so you can fuck me up even worse this time? No. Go find someone else to use." Zayn spat.

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