The Morning After

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Harry came into consciousness with a throbbing headache, and a dash of nausea.

He didn't dare open his eyes, immediately trying to remember what happened last night.

He could tell he wasn't in his own bed, which frightened him a bit because he was naked.

Taking in a deep breath, he slowly blinked his eyes open, squinting because of the sun shooting in through the exposed glass.

Harry stared at the foreign ceiling, his heart stopping as he felt someone move next to him.

He turned his head gently, frowning and blinking until he could see clearly.

Those same blue eyes from last night were looking right back at him.

It was Niall.

Harry swallowed, watching Niall's face turn red.

"Um, so what were you doing at that bar last night?"

Harry couldn't think of much else to say, desperately wanting to break the tension.

"Making mistakes." Niall said quietly, sitting up and moving away, pulling the sheets up to his shoulders.

"I was that bad?" Harry asked, hoping to lighten the mood somehow.

"Um, you know we can't tell anyone about this right?" Niall asked nervously.

"I'd be fired for sure, and probably charged."

"Yeah, I know." Harry said.

Niall cleared his throat. "But uh, no. You weren't bad at all."

"Do you even remember it? I mean we might not have actually done anything-"

"We did." Niall said, looking at him.

There was an awkward silence, the two looking away from each other.

"M-Maybe I was just too drunk but, it was great." Niall admitted.

"Not uh, not saying I want to do it again."

"Right." Harry said, staring at the ceiling again.

He couldn't believe he ended up in his therapist's bed.

"I'd leave but...I need a minute." Harry added, rubbing his forehead.

"You don't have to leave." Niall said quietly, daring to look at him again.

"Well...don't you have to go to work?" Harry asked.

"You really think I'm going into work after a night like that?" Niall scoffed, starting to get out of bed but stopping when he realized he was naked.

"Yeah I don't blame you." Harry sighed.

Niall thought for a moment. "What were you doing at that bar last night?"

"Trying to have fun." Harry said. "Liam claimed I needed to get out and stop thinking about Zayn."

Niall blinked. "Oh. were looking for someone to take your mind off of him."

Harry looked at him. "No, I wasn't. I just wanted to get drunk. What happened with us was....well I don't know what it was but I didn't plan anything."

"I wouldn't do that."

"Well I mean I wouldn't care. I don't care." Niall scoffed, chuckling some. "If I cared that would be even worse."

Harry continued to stare at him, noticing how quickly he looked away.


"You know what? I um, I'm gonna go throw up." Niall said, pulling the sheets with him as he hurried out of the room.

Harry frowned, his entire train of thought crashing.

He soon realized he needed to leave.


He got out of bed and found his clothes, trying to ignore how dizzy he was.

Harry managed to get dressed, glancing out the window only to do a double take.

He walked over and looked down, getting even more dizzy when he realized how high up he was.

This was an apartment?

Harry left the bedroom, taking a little tour on his way to the front door.

He had never seen an apartment so big.

So nicely decorated, and clean.

"Oh, I thought you left." Niall said as he came into the room.

Harry looked at him, seeing that he'd put some pajama pants on now.

"You have a beautiful apartment." Harry told him.

"You said the same thing last night." Niall smiled.

"I can see why." Harry said, continuing to look around.

"I know where all the money is now." He added, referring to Niall's job.

"Are you still going to be comfortable with me being your therapist?" Niall asked.

"I don't even remember last night, it'll be fine." Harry said casually, hoping the memories didn't come flooding back.

"Will it really? I mean I can get you switched over to someone else no problem." Niall said, kind of wanting Harry to choose someone else.

He couldn't deal with how awkward things were going to be now.

Hell, they already were.

He couldn't look at Harry the same without remembering the way he took over last night.

God it was sexy.

"But I don't want someone else." Harry argued, looking at him.

"Fine." Niall said quietly, staring back.

He couldn't for long, Harry's stare reducing him to a blushing mess in seconds.

"I'll see you again soon, okay?" Harry asked, checking his pockets to make sure he had everything.

"Uh, yeah. Bye." Niall nodded, waving a bit.

He started biting his nails the moment Harry left, thinking hard.

He may or may not have just gotten himself into a very dangerous situation.

A/N: Ideas are happeningggggggggg
- Z

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