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After Zayn refused to eat breakfast, he and Harry sat in the living room in a dreadfully awkward silence.

Zayn wasn't too bothered, his pain pills keeping him at a good level of loopy.

Harry however, was bored out of his mind.

After probably half an hour of silence, just as Harry decided to speak, Zayn's phone rang.

Zayn looked at it where it sat on the end table, sighing as he carefully reached over and picked it up.

"Hello?" He asked, wincing some.

Harry watched carefully, surprised by the way Zayn hung up so quickly.

"Was it Eric?" Harry asked, assuming.

"Yep." Zayn said quietly, looking down at his cast, picking at it.

"What did he want?" Harry asked, his tone seeming to drop.

"I don't care." Zayn said even quieter.

Harry stared for a moment, watching him pick at that cast.

"Do you need to talk about anything? I'm always here to listen you know." He said.

"And stare." Zayn said, finally looking at him.

"Can't help that." Harry said with a small smile.

He didn't think Zayn had noticed him staring.

"If you can't you can go." Zayn warned, far from in the mood.

Hearing Eric's voice made him angry.

"Sorry. I mean it though, if you need to talk-"

"What's to talk about? He's an asshole who did nothing but waste my time." Zayn said coldly.

Harry waited to speak, sensing there was more.

Zayn shook his head some, staring towards the window. "An asshole who used to make me breakfast and bring it to me in bed."

"An asshole who meant everything to me." He added much quieter.

"The point is, he's an asshole." Harry couldn't help but throw in.

Zayn sighed heavily, getting up. "I need to do something to occupy my mind."

"Like what?" Harry asked, still watching him.

"I need to get out of this house. I need to start over." Zayn said, beginning to think.

"Start over?"

"Yeah. Too many memories here. You know I always wanted to move somewhere...tropical." He said.

Harry heart dropped. "You mean you want to move away?"

Zayn looked at him. "Well yeah. Can't stay here after this. He's here. In this city, I mean. I have to get away from him and where all of this happened."

"Running away from your problems isn't going to fix them." Harry said, desperate for anything he could say to change Zayn's mind.

"My problems break me." Zayn said, holding up his wrists. "Running is my only option."

"What had something to break your problems?" Harry proposed.

"Like what?" Zayn asked skeptically, folding his arms only to quickly learn that wasn't smart.

"Me." Harry said.

Zayn stared at him. "What?"

"I'll break your problems. I'll help you destroy them and you can stay." Harry said.

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