Green Ones

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"Harry we'll be late, come on." Liam complained in a yell, standing at the front door.

"You barely have hair to worry with, don't rush me." Harry muttered as he came downstairs.

"Time well spent, you look good." Liam said sincerely.

"That color compliments you." He said, liking to see Harry in a plain button up shirt rather than one with some abstract pattern.

"Thanks." Harry nodded once, taking a deep breath.

"Don't be nervous. It's just dinner." Liam teased as they left.

"Just the love of my life, no big deal. Just the man who has invaded my subconscious, and runs every part of my life like a puppet show." Harry said.

"You're being much too dramatic." Liam said quietly, looking both ways before they crossed the street as if any cars ever came through.

"Oh, am I?" Harry asked sarcastically, sighing afterwards and mentally telling himself to calm down.

If this were a world with no consequences, he'd walk right inside, shove Eric out of the way, and give Zayn the most passionate kiss.

"You are, please just relax. I don't want Niall to have to prescribe you something."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "He can do that?"

"Don't." Liam warned, giving him a look.

"What? You're the one that brought it up. I'm simply entertaining the idea of going to work with a little extra spring in my step. A few more smiles that have no reason behind them. Walking through life high as a kite-"

"I'm not going to let you abuse drugs." Liam said sternly.

"How about you don't let the drugs abuse me, hm?"

Liam gave him a confused look, and Harry grinned.

"You're so weird." Liam said, shaking his head and ringing the doorbell.

The sound of the doorbell silenced every other thought in Harry's head.

His body grew tense, and he swallowed.

Louis was the one to answer the door, smiling at them both.

"Come in, dinner is almost ready."

"Who's the chef?" Liam asked, mainly because of how good the house smelled.

"Eric." Louis replied.

Harry looked around, wishing the smell of the food would go away so he could know exactly how Zayn's house smelled.

"Come sit." Louis said, leading them away from the front door.

Harry didn't follow too close behind, sure to take in every detail of the house.

"Hey guys, nice to finally meet you considering how long you and Zayn have been neighbors." Eric smiled as they came in, busy at the stove.

"Yeah we would've came over and introduced ourselves but....we never did." Liam said awkwardly.

Louis laughed at him. "Good job." He said, patting Liam's shoulder.

"Zayn these are your neighbors, Liam and Harry." Louis said as he sat next to Zayn at the table.

Zayn smiled some, nodding at them.

Liam sat across from Louis, and instead of sitting directly across from Zayn, Harry sat on the other side of Liam, diagonally across from Zayn.

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