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"Why did he have your underwear?" Eric asked after Zayn came and told him what happened.

"I really don't know." Zayn said, struggling to process this.

"You and him never..." Eric trailed off, giving him a look.

"No! No I barely know him! He must've went upstairs and taken these when he was over for dinner." Zayn realized.

"But...why? What kind of psycho takes someone's underwear?" Eric frowned.

Zayn began to think, getting chills when he realized why he always felt like someone was watching him.

It was true.


"Yeah?" Zayn asked quickly, snapping out of it.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to go confront him or something?" Eric asked, staring into his eyes.

"No, let's just forget it." Zayn said, shaking his head.

"You sure? This is....pretty weird."

Zayn nodded. "It's just- it's whatever. Let's move on, it won't happen again."

"Okay. Forgetting it sounds like a good idea." Eric decided.

Zayn nodded again, looking out the window as Eric stepped forward and kissed his forehead.

"I'll go make us some lunch." He said, walking off.

Zayn sighed, staring out the window and trying to convince himself to forget this...incident.

Though he couldn't help but wonder why it happened in the first place.

He didn't understand, and wasn't sure he'd feel truly settled until he knew why Harry did this.


" took his underwear...back to him?"

"Yep." Harry replied, his feet rested on the coffee table in Niall's office.

Regardless of Niall's kind request for him to keep his feet off of it.

"Why?" Niall asked, trying hard to understand all of this.

"I really don't know. It was sort of an in the moment decision. Just like when I decided to call him baby doll." Harry shrugged.

"I don't really....think anymore. Before I do stuff." Harry continued, staring at Niall. "It just holds me back from presenting this life I must live with what it deserves."

"Uh, I see." Niall said quietly, looking over his notes.

"Harry I'm not sure that you're dealing with this in a healthy way." Niall said carefully.

Harry kept staring at him, sitting up some. "What would be the healthy way to deal with the person you love getting engaged to someone else? Hm? Tell me."

Niall swallowed, Harry's stare making him uncomfortable.

His eyes were piercing into him like a heated needle.

"Well, I can tell you it certainly isn't taking someone's underwear back to them. Look, it's too late for you to confess your feelings for Zayn so-"

"Why is it too late?"

Niall blinked. "He's engaged."

Harry shook his head. "Married is too late. Well- actually it's too late for those who choose the decent route. I most likely won't, I haven't decided. But there's still time for me to make him mine now."

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