Ferns and Flirting

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"What happened to your arm?" Niall asked, noticing the long scratch going up Harry's forearm.

Harry looked at it. "Turns out I'm not as good at climbing down trees as much as I am climbing up."

"Why were you climbing a tree?" Niall frowned.

"Maybe I just felt like it." Harry mumbled, avoiding his eyes.

Niall stared at him, waiting for the real explanation.

Harry eventually sighed. "I snuck into Zayn's house last night. I climbed the tree to get to the second floor and snuck into his bedroom. Afterwards when he was...elsewhere in the house I left the same way I came. I slipped and fell on my way down and my arm got scratched."

"Harry that's breaking and entering-"

"Are you a cop or a shrink?" Harry asked sharply.

There was a moment of silence.

"Why did you sneak into his house? I thought you two were friends now." Niall continued to frown.

"I thought so too. When I invited him over for dinner last night he said no."

"I'm starting to wonder if he really wants to be friends or if he just wants to say we're friends to try to make things less awkward."

"Well, you said you only wanted to be friends so you could eventually be with him, didn't you?" Niall asked.

"Are you saying I'm a hypocrite?"

"Did you hear me say that?"

"Maybe not clearly. Indirectly I did, though. I'm insulted." Harry said, folding his arms.

"Sorry." Niall said quietly.

"If we could just have dinner like before it would be perfect. Like, all of us on Friday night. I miss that." Harry said.

"Maybe I should tell Liam. Or even Eric if it comes to it."

"Tell them...that you miss the old dinners?"

"Yeah, and see if I can get another scheduled."

Niall figured it would be more healthy for Harry to be in a group of people rather than alone with Zayn.

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Well, I thought me cooking dinner for Zayn would be a good idea but that certainly crashed." Harry muttered.

"You just have to give it time." Niall said.

"The more time I give, the closer we get to Zayn and Eric's wedding."

"Have they set a date?" Niall asked.

"No, but you get what I mean right?" Harry asked.

Oddly, it was then that Niall realized Harry had really opened up to him since their first session.

"Yes. But for now try and get those dinners back, okay?"

Harry nodded.


"Hey Liam?" Harry asked, long after he got home and settled down on the couch while Liam and Louis were on the loveseat.

"Hm?" Liam hummed, opening his eyes.

His head was in Louis' lap while Louis played with his hair.

"Why don't we have those Friday night dinners over at Zayn's anymore?"

Liam looked at Louis, who shrugged.

"Dunno, guess everyone's been busy or had other plans." Liam replied.

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