Great Ass

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Over the next month, Harry and Liam went to several more dinners at Zayn's.

For Harry, each dinner seemed like the first.

He never truly carried on a conversation with Zayn, but the two would occasionally speak to each other.

Deep down Harry wanted more, but he didn't want to get greedy. He was thankful he got to at least speak to Zayn now instead of just imagining it.

Each time he was fortunate enough to get to speak with Zayn, it was incredible.

What he wasn't thankful for was Eric, and how affectionate he was towards Zayn all the time.

It drove him nuts, but if Liam hadn't noticed that meant he was hiding it well.

The dinners became a normal thing, and by the end of the month Harry had collected another pair of Zayn's boxers.

This time, they were blue.

Harry kept them in the box where he kept all of his developed pictures of Zayn.

He would often take them out and smell them, loving the smell of Zayn's laundry detergent.

"Pardon me plant man." Someone said, making Harry look up from where he was filling new pots with dirt.

Louis stood there smiling at him. "Hi."

"Hey, what's up?" Harry asked, standing and wiping his dirty hands on his pants.

"I came to get some more cereal and thought I'd stop by and say hello. Oh, and I wanted to tell you that we're not having our regular dinner at Zayn's tonight." Louis said.

Harry's heart sank. "What? Why?"

"Eric wants to eat out for some reason. What ever Eric wants, Eric gets. So, we're meeting at some restaurant. I sent the information to Liam." Louis said.

"Oh, y-you mean all of us?" Harry asked, feeling relieved now.

Louis nodded. "An Italian restaurant."

"But yeah I was just letting you know and saying hi."

"Okay, thanks. Um, do you know why Eric wants to eat out?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"Maybe because he cooks every time? And he's tired of cooking?" Louis chuckled.

"That makes sense, I guess." Harry said.

"Yeah, anyway, see you tonight. Tell Liam not to shave." Louis smiled on his way out.

Harry frowned to himself.

Tell him not to shave what?


"This was a good choice, Eric." Liam said after they all finished dinner and were sitting around chatting.

"Yeah this restaurant is really special." Eric smiled, looking at Zayn.

"Don't." Zayn said quietly, blushing and trying not to smile.

"We had our first date here." Eric added, still smiling at him.

"Oh, so that's why you chose this place." Louis chuckled, hiccuping.

"That's enough." Liam said, moving Louis' wine glass out of reach.

Louis gave him a mean look before be broke into laughter, leaning over on Liam's shoulder.

"I'm not going to have to carry you out of here am I?" Liam asked quietly.

"Maybe." Louis grinned, moving his head so he could kiss Liam's neck.

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