So Great

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A/N: This is a Zeric & Lilo chapter





"Eric shut up." Zayn muttered into his pillow.

"Get up and come look at the snow with me. There has to be at least a foot out there." Eric said, playing with Zayn's hair.


"Please?" He asked, resting his chin on Zayn's shoulder, moving closer to him. 

"Please?" He asked, moving his chin down to the crook of Zayn's neck where he knew it would tickle him.

"Quit." Zayn smiled, trying to roll away.

Eric's arms were around his middle in seconds, spooning him and keeping him in place.

"Come look at the snow." Eric said, using his chin again.

"Eric I hate being tickled, don't." Zayn began to chuckle.

Eric continued, moving his hands to tickle Zayn's sides.

Zayn erupted into a fit of laughter, trying to fight him off and breathe at the same time.

"Eric please, I h-hate it stop." Zayn laughed, too weak to pry his arms off.

Eric let him go only to move on top of him.

"Good morning by the way." He said, moving Zayn's hair out of his face and fondly looking down at him.

"You're an asshole." Zayn said, staring into those pretty blue eyes.

"Mhmm. Keep it up and I'll wreck yours." Eric said quietly, making Zayn smack his arm and give him a look.

They both chuckled, sharing a few kisses.

"Now come on." Eric said, practically bouncing out of bed over to the window.

Zayn yawned, sitting up and scratching his head.

He slowly made his way over to the window, smiling at the way the neighborhood had transformed overnight.

"Days like this are hot chocolate days." Eric said.

"Dunno if we have any." Zayn said quietly, staring out the window.

Eric looked at him with such a concerned expression.

"Zayn if we don't have the ingredients you realize we have to suit up and go get them, don't you?" He asked.

Zayn chuckled. "Yeah right, have fun with that."

"Babe seriously. Hot chocolate is essential to me. You know this." Eric told him.

"You're such a child." Zayn said, shaking his head.

"Oh I am?" Eric asked, staring at him.

Just as Zayn turned to look at him, Eric scooped him up.

"Oh God, put me down!" Zayn whined.

"Am I a child?" Eric asked, holding him upside down now.

"All I wanted was to sleep." Zayn complained as his shirt slid up- or perhaps down, over his face.

"Eric put me down." He commanded.

"Say I'm not a child." Eric smiled.

"You're being extremely childish right now so it's hard-" Zayn stopped as Eric lifted him back up right and tossed him over his shoulder.

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