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When Harry got home the next day, Liam's day off because construction workers were too delicate to work in the rain, he was surprised to find him standing on the front porch.

"What is it?" Harry chuckled at his expression.

"Since when did Zayn have a roommate?" Liam asked.

"I dunno. I met him yesterday." Harry said casually.

"Really? Is he single?" Liam asked eagerly.

Harry shrugged. "Go ask him." He smirked, sure Liam would be too scared, just like he was with Zayn.

"Fine, I will." Liam said, walking right out into the rain.

"Liam! Liam get back here! You can't just ask someone that randomly!" Harry hissed.

"Well I am." Liam chuckled, continuing.

Harry began to panic, worrying Liam would mess something up.

Worried he would annoy Louis and Zayn, or possibly start dating Louis and be over there all the time.

Which would probably annoy Zayn, and somehow lead to him disliking Harry too.

Harry shook his head, knowing he was just being crazy.

But damn it he couldn't let the thoughts go.

"Liam no!" He yelled, racing after him and tackling him down into the wet grass.

"What- Harry! Get off of me! What is your problem?" Liam spat.

"I don't want you to talk to him, just wait a while okay? M-Maybe a few days?" Harry asked, struggling to hold him down.

Liam jerked free, easily pinning Harry down and sitting on his stomach.

"Look, unlike you, if I see something I want, I'm going after it." Liam said, staring down at him.

"Since when did you want him?" Harry scoffed.

"Since I saw him earlier today. He's beautiful, Harry. Didn't you notice?" Liam asked.

The two stared at each other for a moment.

"Eh." Harry shrugged.

Liam sighed, getting off of him and standing up.

"Aw, are you done?" Someone asked, making them both flinch and look towards the voice.

Louis was standing on Zayn's front porch, while Zayn stood inside looking through the glass door.

"That was getting pretty hot." Louis teased, folding his arms.

Harry saw Zayn crack a smile at that, his heart racing.

Technically he'd made Zayn smile.

"Hey, uh," Liam cleared his throat. "Are you busy Friday night?"

Louis blushed. "Me?"

"Yeah, you." Liam smiled.

"Um, not that I know of." Louis stammered.

"Cool. How about a date? I'll come get you at seven." Liam said.

Louis smiled. "I'll be here."

"Good." Liam nodded, his heart pounding.

Meanwhile Harry sat there stiffly, trying to stare at Zayn and hoping Zayn couldn't tell.

But he could.

Zayn stared back, looking over Harry's damp curls and how they hung down in his eyes.

Eyes such an alarming shade of green he could see them from where he stood.

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