Broken Bone(r)s

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"You realize you're going to owe me for this." Zayn said, standing on the porch with Eric Friday morning.

"For leaving me alone on a Friday night."

"Babe if there was any way I could stay you know I would. But the pay that's coming from this is going to be amazing." Eric told him.

"So when I'm free, we'll go shopping. Whatever you see and want, it's yours."

Zayn smiled, moving closer to him and loosely wrapping his arms around his neck.

"How much for you?" He asked softly, looking at his lips.

Eric chuckled, kissing him firmly.

"I'm all yours." He said, resting his head against Zayn's.

"I'll try to make it back as soon as I can, okay? I have to stop by my place but I'll bring you some of those chicken nuggets you love and a pack of cigs." Eric said.

Zayn smiled again, hugging him. "You know me so well."

"And I love you. Stay up for me okay? When I get back I want to talk." Eric said, hugging him back.

"Talk about what?" Zayn asked, nibbling his ear.

Eric smiled, tilting his head away. "Nothing, I just like to talk to you before we go to sleep."

"Oh. Okay." Zayn said, kissing him.

Eric held him tightly, kissing him back.

Regardless of the early hour and crisp air, things between them began to get heated.

"Go inside and get back in bed." Eric said after gently pushing them apart.

"For what? So I can lay there alone?" Zayn asked, making a sad face.

"Wake Louis up so you won't be alone." Eric suggested.

"That or call your weirdo neighbor over for breakfast." He added with a chuckle.

Zayn frowned at him.

"No, I'm kidding, I don't want him over when I'm not here." Eric said, looking into Zayn's eyes.


"I don't want him around you if I'm not there too. The guy took your underwear, babe." Eric said. "There's more than one screw loose up there, believe me."

"What happened to forgetting it?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing. I'm cool with him coming for dinner as long as you're comfortable with it. But I'm not comfortable with him being here while I'm not. What if he loses his shit? Are you and Louis going to take care of it?" Eric asked skeptically.

"I can handle him myself, Eric. Told you that the night I went and settled stuff at the market. I'll be fine, okay? Don't worry." Zayn assured him.

"I believe you. I mean, it's not like he'll be over here anyway." Eric shrugged, realizing he'd wasted his breath.

"True. But if he did ever come over, it'd be just fine. Big arms don't make a good fighter." Zayn said.

"Are you saying he has big arms?" Eric asked.

"No, I'm saying you do but it doesn't mean you're a good fighter." Zayn smirked.

"Mhmm, whatever. But big arms make a sexy boyfriend." Eric said.

"Get out of here." Zayn chuckled, pushing him away.

"Fine." Eric smiled, kissing him once more.

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