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"Oh fuck you! You can't just do that!" Harry snapped after Zayn smacked his controller out of his hands.

Zayn didn't respond, going back to killing Harry's character while he couldn't fight back.

"Alright, fine." Harry said, trying to take Zayn's controller.

"No, get off." Zayn said calmly, keeping a firm grip and leaning away.

Harry dominated him, covering his eyes and laying on him so he wouldn't get away.

He reached and started tickling him, hoping he'd drop the controller.

"No! Don't do that, stop!" Zayn called out, louder than Harry had ever heard him get.

"Let go." Harry said through his teeth.

"Okay, okay fine, get off so I can breathe." Zayn laughed, dropping his controller.

Harry stopped tickling him, and Zayn pushed his large hand up off of his face.

"I'd appreciate maturity." Zayn breathed, looking up at him.

"Like smacking my controller to the floor while I'm winning?" Harry asked.

"I don't have to be mature, I'm the underdog." Zayn argued quietly.

"How?" Harry scoffed.

"More effort to reach the buttons because my hands aren't massive like yours." Zayn said.

"That's bull." Harry said quietly, staring down at him.

"My house my reasoning." Zayn said softly, realizing Harry was still on top of him.

"Your reasoning is as ridiculous as your eyelashes." Harry said, looking at them.

Zayn opened his mouth to respond, but he couldn't think of anything to say.

They stared at each other.

"Want to get off of me now?" Zayn asked, this beginning to feel too much like one of his dreams.

He was almost scared to blink.

"Not particularly." Harry said, his voice deep enough to be felt.

His eyes were on Zayn's lips now.

"Harry." Zayn spoke sternly, pushing on his chest.

"Oh, sorry." Harry blushed, snapping out of it.

"Sorry friend." He said, quickly sitting up and moving back over to where he'd been sitting.

Zayn cleared his throat, getting his controller. "Let's try this again."

Harry picked his up as well, and they started over.

"So Louis and Eric always beat you at this game?"

"Yeah. This and every other game." Zayn said.

"Louis and Eric are both really competitive so then when they play against each other nine times out of ten it ends in a fight that I have to resolve. They're like children." Zayn complained.

"But, I love them." He sighed.

"Liam is really crazy about Louis." Harry said.

"Yeah?" Zayn smiled.

"Goes on about him all the time." Harry nodded.

"That's sweet. It's always such fun when it's new."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "When it's new?"

"Yeah, you know, a new relationship." Zayn said.

"Old ones aren't fun?" Harry asked.

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