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Later that day, Zayn was wrapped up in bed where Louis left him hours ago when he heard the doorbell.

He rolled over and buried himself down in his blankets, not recovered from the nap he just took.

Whoever it was kept ringing the doorbell, making Zayn roll his eyes.

If Louis forgot his key again he could just survive in the wilderness until Zayn felt like getting up.

Luckily, the ringing soon stopped.

Moments later, however, Zayn heard footsteps.

Immediately he feared Eric somehow stole his key back and was here to go on a psychotic rampage and hurt him some more.

Zayn quickly sat up, watching his doorknob slowly turn.

"Eric I have a gun if you step in here you're dead I swear to God." Zayn threatened, and bluffed.

"It's me." Harry said from the other side of the door.

Hearing his deep voice sent goosebumps over Zayn's skin.

"How'd you get in?" Zayn frowned.

"The door was unlocked." Harry said.

Zayn frowned even more, realizing Louis had practically left him to die.

"Can I come in?"

Zayn blinked. "Uh, sure."

Harry stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Dry." Zayn replied, blinking again.

"Dry?" Harry chuckled.

Zayn shrugged, shifting his weight and gently pulling his covers up to his chest.

"Do you want me to go get you something to drink?" Harry offered.

Zayn shook his head.

"Alright well, I meant how are you feeling about Eric." Harry told him, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"I don't want to talk about him." Zayn said, looking out the window. "We're over and it's over."

"But I know you can't be okay-"

"Why'd you go to therapy again?" Zayn interrupted.

Harry paused. "What?"

"You weren't here this morning and Liam told me you went to therapy." Zayn said.

"You missed me?" Harry smiled.

"Well yeah. You come over and cook for me and do everything for me no matter how silly it is."

"Still, you missed me." Harry teased.

Zayn rolled his eyes and Harry turned to face him, moving a little closer. "I'm here now. Do you need anything?"

Zayn looked at him, looking into his eyes.

He knew Harry would listen if he talked about how he really felt, but he also knew Harry hated Eric so Zayn didn't really see a point in venting.

But he needed to.

"Staring contest?" Harry proposed, since that seemed to be what was happening.

"No, uh," Zayn looked down. "I just....I didn't think about how much losing him would really bother me because I was so angry at the time."

"Bother you?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. It hurts. I hate myself for missing him." Zayn said, feeling his throat get tight.

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