Cheap Magician

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Harry woke up the next morning by himself, more sore than he'd ever been.

He lifted his hands, flexing his fingers and cringing from the pain and cracking sound.

Harry felt so dumb for what he did.

Sure, Eric deserved it, but he was in so much pain.

He slowly sat up, beginning to worry that last night was just a dream.

It did seem much too perfect to be real, now that he thought about it.

He got out of bed, noticing a piece of paper on his dresser. He picked it up, blinking a few times so he could see to read it.

I wasn't myself when I came over last night, honestly I was a little drunk. I was.... feeling down and tried to drink that away. When I woke up this morning I felt awful so I decided to head home and nurse my hangover. I hope you're not too hurt.
- Zayn

Harry frowned, beginning to get a bad feeling.

He went and took a shower, taking a few pain pills and getting dressed before heading downstairs.

"You're alive." Liam smiled, in the kitchen having a late breakfast.

"I might be I don't know yet." Harry said, referring to Zayn and his weirdness.

"Zayn came over last night after I got home. He got in bed with me and told me he wanted me. He said he appreciated me standing up for him and everything." Harry told him.


"Yeah. So I was right all along. But he was gone when I woke up and he left me a note saying he was drunk and wasn't himself when he came over. What does that mean? Is he taking it back? I-I mean he can't take it back, right?" Harry asked.

"Just sounds like he's distancing himself a little." Liam shrugged.

"I don't want that." Harry said.

"Well go talk to him, he was outside smoking when I last saw him." Liam said casually.

Harry sighed, sending his fingers through his damp hair and walking towards the front door.

As he came outside he saw Zayn on his front porch, smiling as Zayn waved.

He hurried across the street to him.

Zayn winced in sympathy at Harry's black eye. "You're not in too much pain right?"

"I'm fine." Harry lied with a shrug, stopping on the top step. "Um, I saw your note."

"Are you still feeling down?"

"Oh, no that was just...I was just home alone overthinking. It was nothing, really." Zayn assured him.

"Okay." Harry said cautiously.

"Yeah...I..." Zayn struggled, standing up. "I had so many glasses of whiskey before I came over. I mean I'm not one to just...break in and straddle someone."

Harry smiled a little. "I didn't mind."

"I'm sure." Zayn said, giving him a look.

" meant what you said, didn't you?" Harry dared to ask.

"I did, but I wish I'd kept my mouth shut." Zayn admitted.

"Why? Does the chase thrill you just as much as it does me, baby doll?" Harry smirked.

"Maybe." Zayn smiled.

"No, but...I just don't want to rush anything. That or consider things too serious." He explained.

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