Missing Shots

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Their lips met slowly, but once they did everything was thrown into fast motion.

Zayn was pushed down onto the bed, and he was on top in seconds.

The way he touched his body, and the way he kissed his neck made Zayn feel numb in the best way.

Soon they were intertwined, Zayn's hands pressed to his back and his fingernails sinking into his skin.

Zayn moaned, gasping at the way he sucked on his neck and pushed into him, reaching spots and sparking feelings Zayn didn't know existed.



Zayn sucked in a sharp breath as he jolted into consciousness, sitting straight up in bed.

Every inch of him was covered in goosebumps, and he had a little more than the occasional morning wood.

"Problem?" Eric asked, making him flinch again.

"W-What? Why?" He asked quickly, moving his messy hair out of his eyes.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Eric asked, sitting up.

Zayn blinked. "So...you didn't hear anything? I didn't speak?"

Eric smiled a little. "No, why? You gonna tell me where the money is hidden?"

Zayn chuckled breathily, feeling relieved. "Maybe." He said, laying back down and staring at the ceiling.

"Well, you gonna tell me what you were dreaming about?" Eric asked, moving closer to him.

"It's um, the past." Zayn shrugged casually.

"Yeah but that isn't." Eric said, nodding toward Zayn's bulge.

Zayn blushed, swallowing. "Uh, I-"

"Will you let me take care of it?" Eric asked, his hand resting on Zayn's hip now.

"Um, I-I guess." Zayn stammered, feeling guilty as he looked into Eric's eyes.

Why would he dream that about his psychotic neighbor?

Zayn wasn't attracted to him like that.

Was he?

"Why are you so nervous, babe? Relax." Eric said, getting on top of him.

Zayn hummed, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of Eric's body warmth and the kisses he was leaving on his neck.

"Hey, how about we order pizza tonight? There's a game coming on, I'm sure Liam and Louis will want to watch. Pizza will be easy to eat in front of the tv." Eric said, leaning back some to look down at him.

"Okay, I guess. What about Harry?" Zayn asked.

Eric blinked.

"What about Harry?"

"Well...I wonder if he's still going to come over. I don't know if I want him to. He stole my underwear, Eric."

"I know but...well what am I going to do? Invite Liam and tell him to tell Harry he isn't allowed to come?"

"I don't know! We can't just not say anything and let him come over again like everything is okay." Zayn argued.

Eric sighed. "Well I don't know what to do. I'm not good with stuff like this. I don't want to just have him over either because it'll be awkward. But it'll be even more awkward to invite his roommate but tell him he can't come."

Moments later, he gasped. "I have an idea."

Zayn raised his eyebrows.

"How about a double date instead? We could go out with Liam and Louis, get something to eat, have a few drinks, then maybe come back and watch the game. Maybe Harry won't come over." Eric said.

"Or we could watch the game wherever we get drinks. I know a bar with some great wings."

Zayn smiled fondly at him. "You're pretty smart, you know that?"

"Well of course I am. You're not marrying me just for my looks." Eric smirked before their lips met.


"Hey Harry?" Liam called as he put his shoes on.

"I um, I don't think Zayn's having his regular dinner tonight- oh...you're right there." Liam said, wondering why he hadn't heard Harry walk up.

"What makes you say that?" Harry asked.

Liam looked at him, seeing he was dressed and ready to go.

This wasn't going to be easy at all.

"Well um...Louis told me we're going out on a double date with them. You know, Zayn and Eric."

"I see." Harry said, getting angry.

"I'm sorry." Liam winced. "I know I should've told you earlier but I couldn't."

"I get it. I'll be here." Harry mumbled, turning and going back upstairs.

Liam felt absolutely awful as he watched, but he couldn't see the smirk on Harry's lips.


"This game is going to go on for years if one of them doesn't score." Louis complained.

"I know." Zayn sighed.

Liam and Eric were too involved with the game, occasionally screaming at the tv just like most of the other people in the bar.

Honestly Zayn and Louis had had enough.

They both shared several looks between the two of them until Louis eventually spoke up.

"Liam, can we go? It's almost ten."

"The game isn't over." Liam said, his eyes glued to the screen.

"I'm going home. You know, home? The place where you could also watch the game?" Zayn asked sharply, standing up.

"But you don't understand, I might miss something on the drive there." Eric argued, also not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Liam will bring you back whenever this is over, yeah?" Zayn asked.

"Sure babe, see you soon." Eric said, giving him a quick kiss before looking back at the tv.

"C'mon Louis." Zayn muttered, taking Eric's keys.

"I love a good game but that was awful." Louis said as they walked out to the car.

"What's the point? They're just running back and forth missing shots!" Zayn scoffed.

"I saw a new side of him tonight." Louis said, talking about Liam.

"The side that breaks an ash tray when his team misses a shot?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah." Louis chuckled. "Dunno, that was kinda hot."

"Oh please." Zayn rolled his eyes.

Louis smiled to himself, and Zayn glanced over at him.

"You really like him, don't you?"

Louis nodded, being honest about it for the first time since he'd started dating Liam.

Zayn smiled, looking back at the road.

After the two got home, Louis went to take a shower and Zayn decided to read.

He was curled up on the couch, nice and comfortable with a cup of hot chocolate nearby when the doorbell rang.

Zayn put his book down, frowning.

Eric never rang the doorbell. Could it have been Liam?

But why would Liam be here without Eric?

He slowly got up, wrapping his long cardigan tightly around his body before opening the door.

"Oh no."

"Hey baby doll."

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