There'll Be Blood

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Each day that week Harry was over at Zayn's helping him with his book, but when Saturday arrived he chose to go to therapy.

"How've you been, Harry?" Niall asked when they were both settled in Niall's office.

Harry smiled. "I've been incredible. I've been helping Zayn with his new book this week, he's paying me."

Several expressions crossed Niall's face before he settled with a slight frown. "Um, really?"

"Yeah, he came to me on Monday and....we're okay now. It's kind of like we're back to how we were before all of this happened with his fiancé." Harry said.

"Friends who share an unbelievable amount of sexual tension."

Niall chuckled a bit. "So you're okay with that?"

Harry thought about it.

"Not really, but when he saw those marks you left on my neck I could tell he was bothered. He wants me, I know he does. He's too stubborn to just give in, though. How can I get him to give in?" Harry asked, appearing to be in deep thought.

"Oh I don't think it'll be hard." Niall said softly, memories of their night together floating back.

"How should I do it?" Harry asked, making Niall snap out of it.

"Well, wait let's think about this. You...get him to give in, but for what? To get rid of that tension and have sex with him?"

"Basically. But- not just that. I want to be with him, I love him." Harry said. "I want him to acknowledge the fact that he wants me too, and I want us to finally be together."

Niall pressed his lips together, finding himself faced with a difficult decision.

"I think you should take things slow though, for sure. You've wanted this for a long time, so I know you'll want to rush into it, which you shouldn't do." Niall said.

"What do you mean take things slow? How?" Harry asked.

"Just...don't come on too strong, be there for him as a friend. Keep things casual and...let him come to you. If he's jealous from a few marks it won't be long."

"I don't want to wait. I can't." Harry shook his head.

"Why not?"

"Niall if I lose him....if I have to watch him be with someone else again I'll..." Harry trailed off, his voice shaking a bit.

"There'll be blood." He said, looking into Niall's eyes.

"Harry." Niall frowned at him. "Calm down, relax okay? Don't talk like that. There's so much paperwork for talk like that, you have no idea."

"What?" Harry frowned.

"I'm supposed to inform others and write down more about your behavior. You'll have to come in more than once a week, you'll possibly have to be monitored. No murder talk." Niall warned.

"Fine, I wasn't serious about that but I am serious about the fact that I can't go through that again. It'll break me."

"I understand, you just have to relax and let your relationship with Zayn fall into place on its own, okay? I promise it'll be even better that way in the end." Niall told him.

Harry didn't say anything, sitting back in his chair.

"Okay?" Niall asked.

"No it's not okay." Harry mumbled, thinking hard.

"What about a romantic gesture?" He suggested. "I could cook a dinner for us and invite him over and explain how I feel and ask him to be with me officially."

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