Our Story

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A/N: This is the final chapter! For those who don't follow my Instagram (kiwizarry) and didn't see my post about this story, I've gone back and not only edited but rewritten a lot throughout the book to make it better in my eyes. So, when you're rereading because it's been 2.5 million years since my last update and don't recognize a certain scene, you'll know why. I didn't change too much, but hopefully enough for it to be noticed and...better. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for reading this story!
- Z ❤️

p.s. - I have an Instagram poll going on whether or not I should include what happened with Niall in this chapter (I didn't but that doesn't mean I can't add a part, I just wanted to publish this asap for you) and depending on those results there may or may not be one more tiny part to this story. By that I mean it'll literally be an extended authors note explaining my idea and how I imagined Niall ending up. Because I have to move on to other stories I have such big things planned you guys it's killing me 😂


Later, Harry was laying across the couch watching television when Zayn came into the living room.

He'd finished with the dishes, and was carrying a basket of laundry now.

Harry looked at him, sitting up in a heartbeat when he saw that Zayn was standing there in his underwear.

"These are some of the ones you took from me, aren't they?" Zayn asked, setting the basket on the coffee table and standing there casually.

Harry's eyes raked over Zayn's body, and he was surprised he hadn't started drooling while he stared at Zayn's toned stomach.

Zayn smiled a little at the fact that he had every bit of Harry's attention.

Even if it'd been that way for a while, this time it felt special.

"I just don't remember these being so...snug. Maybe they're different than the pair you took." Zayn said, tugging the waistband down a little, looking at the fabric.

He was right, they were snug, not leaving much to the imagination.

Meanwhile Harry's underwear was getting more snug by the second.

"Remember how you said if you were gonna take them again it'd be off my body?" He asked softly.

Zayn tugged the waistband down even more, biting his lower lip and tilting his head as he looked at Harry, his dark hair slipping over one eye.

Harry couldn't even speak, his heart throbbing so hard he feared this was the end.

This couldn't be the end, he still had at least one very important thing to do.


Harry swallowed, just sitting there practically frozen.

He felt so helpless, but only until he realized what Zayn was really doing.

Harry's eyes trailed over Zayn's body one more time before he reached out and grabbed him, pinning him down onto the couch.

Harry was undoubtedly rough but he didn't hurt Zayn, kissing him passionately.

Zayn didn't protest at all, gripping Harry's curls and taking all of him in at once.

"I've had so many dreams like this." Zayn breathed between kisses, moaning into Harry's mouth as Harry slipped his hand down between them and began to touch him.

So light and teasingly, regardless of his aggression.

"You think I haven't, baby doll?" Harry asked, licking his ear before kissing down to his neck.

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