Zayn plus Harry

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Going to work and leaving Zayn alone bothered Harry deeply, so he continued to call out often.

This lasted less than a week before Harry was fired.

He didn't mind it, he was fully dedicated to Zayn now.

Liam didn't know about it, and each day spent together Harry felt that he was getting closer to Zayn.

So, in Harry's eyes all was well.

All except his baby doll.

"You look like a pouty depressed puppy." Zayn told Harry, who was sitting across from him as he struggled to eat.

"A pouty depressed puppy." Harry echoed, amused with Zayn's colorful description.

He knew the pain medication was responsible for Zayn's sudden social interest.

After complaining that the medication wasn't working, Zayn's doctor decided to try him on something else.

That something else seemed to bring out an entire new side of Zayn.

A side that felt confident and apparently pain-free enough to make his own lunch.

It may have just been a bowl of cereal, and it may have taken him ages to compose, but Harry was still happy for him.

"Yeah. Quit staring at me like you feel sorry for me." Zayn said, slowly lifting his spoon back to his mouth.

"But I do. You're broken and it hurts me." Harry admitted.

"I said stop." Zayn chuckled, blushing and keeping his eyes down.

Harry licked his lips, knowing it would be wrong to...pursue Zayn while he was in this condition.

But damn he was tempted.

He knew it would be fun.

Harry slowly reached across the table and rested his hand near Zayn's, letting his finger tips brush against Zayn's exposed hand.

"Why should I stop?"

"Because I don't like being pitied. I'm getting better by the day, I'll be able to do everything on my own soon." Zayn said confidently, looking at him.

"I'm not pitying you. I just care a lot about you." Harry said softly, giving him the eyes.

Zayn melted a little but he'd die before letting it show.

"Don't touch." He said, pulling his hand away.

"You wanted me to touch yesterday." Harry reminded him.

"I couldn't get my jacket on." Zayn said, giving him a look.

"Look this is hard enough, don't be a pervert."

Harry stared a moment before smirking. "So it's hard, hm?"

Zayn dropped his spoon and clumsily got to his feet. "I think I'll go take a nap. If you want to check up again come back in a few hours okay?"

"Shouldn't I stay though? What if you need me?"

"I won't." Zayn said firmly.

"But what if you want tea? Who's going to hold the cup because you fill it so much it's heavier than a car?" Harry asked.

"I'll do without." Zayn said, trying not to smile.

"Really, I'm fine. Just go."

Harry stood up, trying to appear innocent now. "But why do I have to go?"

"Honestly?" Zayn asked, prepared to let him have it.

Harry nodded.

"I'm afraid I'll wake up and you'll have written Zayn plus Harry on the ceiling or something." Zayn said.

"What a lovely equation." Harry smiled. "I'd love to know the answer. Just what does Zayn plus Harry equal?" He asked, slowly walking around the table, watching Zayn.

"Quit being creepy I mean it." Zayn warned, blushing again.

"I'm not being creepy. Answer my question." Harry chuckled.

"No." Zayn laughed, trying to walk past him.

Harry hooked an arm around Zayn's waist, pulling him close in the blink of an eye.

He stared directly into his eyes, only breaking eye contact to glance at his lips.

"Please baby doll." Harry said more than asked, speaking so softly.

Zayn swallowed hard, staring at Harry's mouth.

"You should stop."

Harry smirked slightly. "Are you sure?"

"No I'm," Zayn paused to swallow again.

"....bothered." He finished, his voice cracking.

"Sorry." Harry said, that faint smirk still on his lips.

"Harry get off." Zayn said quietly, looking into his eyes now.

I'm trying, Harry thought.

"Usually you shove me away you know." Harry said just as quiet, a fond look in his eyes rather than lustrous.

"Yeah well....I can't this time." Zayn said, glancing at his lips.

"I'm broken." He said, realizing it felt kind of good to be held again.

Even in the middle of the kitchen with only one arm.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Harry pulled him closer, moving in to kiss him.

Zayn felt like he was floating, watching Harry through weighted eyes.

"Pardon." Louis spoke suddenly, making Zayn snap out of it.

"Let me go." He said, jerking his way out of Harry's hold.

Harry turned slowly and stared at Louis. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Yes. Just as you should be in an asylum." Louis said.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Nothing. Harry was leaving and I was going to take a nap. That's it." Zayn answered.

Harry suddenly stormed out of the room, surprising Zayn.

He and Louis listened to the front door slam, standing in silence afterwards until Louis couldn't stand it.

"Were you two kissing?" Louis asked.

"No Louis. It was nothing okay? We just got a little caught up. He's always hitting on me and I'm a little loopy today so I went with it." Zayn said.

"Always hitting on you?"

"Yeah pretty much." Zayn nodded after a pause.

"So wait, you'd let him kiss you?" Louis asked.

Zayn hesitated. "Um, well...I can't exactly punch him in the face so...."

"So? You can still either accept or decline a kiss." Louis said.

"Fine, decline."

"Good. He might be a nice friend but I kind of feel like he could snap one day and do some serious damage if you get too close to him and fuck up or something."

"Yeah you mean like Eric?" Zayn asked flatly.

Louis immediately felt awful. "Zayn I'm sorry I just think you should...heal. You know? Focus on you and stay safe."

"I'll do what I want, thanks." Zayn said, going upstairs.

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