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One evening about a week later, Harry was over at Zayn's helping him prepare dinner for the two of them.

Louis and Liam decided to go out, which Harry found unbelievably convenient.

Even if Zayn insisted on taking things slow, Harry would much rather spend an evening alone with him.

"Pass me the cayenne pepper." Zayn said, holding his hand out.

Harry quickly found it and handed it to him, watching him shake a decent amount into the crockpot.

"I hope you're not hungry now, this has to go for a while." Zayn said, reading back over the recipe to make sure he hadn't missed anything.

He really could've done this himself, but Harry insisted on helping.

Of course, Zayn certainly didn't mind Harry's company.

Harry gazed over at him like he was heaven on legs.

In fact he became distracted, lost in Zayn's eyelashes and the way they jumped as he read the recipe again.

Eventually Zayn looked up, immediately looking at him because of the way he was staring.

Harry blinked out of his trance, blushing.

"N-No uh, I don't mind waiting. It sounds like it'll be delicious in the end." Harry admitted, watching him closely.

"I agree." Zayn said quietly, adjusting the settings and snapping the lid on tight.

"Guess all there is to do now is clean up. Want to help with that too?" Zayn asked skeptically, figuring Harry would disappear into the living room now.

"Sure." Harry said sweetly, collecting the various dirty dishes and taking them to the sink.

"I'll wash and you dry?" He suggested.

"Yeah that works." Zayn smiled, getting a towel and standing next to him.

"I told you, nothing is work when I'm with you." Harry said, filling the sink with dish soap and water.

"Okay." Zayn chuckled shyly, watching him.

"Hey, so what are we gonna do while this is cooking?" Harry asked as he began to wash.

"Well right now we're washing dishes." Zayn said, giving him a look.

Harry ignored that look, and what it said.

"I know but, after that."

"Well, you're welcome to make yourself comfortable in the living room while I put some laundry in." Zayn said casually.

"Hopefully I have all of it." He added with a little smile, giving a Harry a knowing stare.

"Yeah, why wouldn't you?" Harry smiled back.

They both chuckled.

"And when I say make yourself comfortable I mean maybe kick back on the couch. I don't want to be coming downstairs and walk in on you naked." Zayn warned.

"You don't want to see me naked?" Harry smiled.

"Not on my living room couch." Zayn answered after a pause.

"You should just get naked with me. Do laundry naked." Harry suggested. "That way you can also wash the clothes you were wearing. Have all your laundry done."

Zayn shook his head. "Nope."

Harry shrugged, grabbing another dish and washing it.

Zayn watched, his eyes trailing up Harry's arms and glancing over his chest.

He looked up at Harry's face, feeling a wave of physical and emotional electricity as Harry turned his head and met his stare.

"Are you reconsidering, baby doll?" Harry smirked.

"No, of course not. I was just trying to think of what else I can take care of while dinner is cooking." Zayn blushed.

"Well you were looking at me. Why not take care of me?" Harry asked.

"I'm cooking you dinner, that's enough." Zayn figured, breaking into a smile.

"I'll probably clean the bathroom upstairs too, it needs it." Zayn said, looking back at the sink.

"Yeah? What else?"

"Ummm....well I could go ahead and set the table, I'll eventually have to put the laundry in the dryer, and-"

"All while I'm just in the living room?" Harry chuckled.

"Sure, yeah." Zayn shrugged.

Harry stopped, setting the dish down into the water and facing him. "Sounds like you're trying to avoid me. Why's that? Are you afraid you'll lose control baby doll?"

Zayn stared at him, fighting back his initial reaction.

"You're so dramatic." He chuckled at him.

"Actually I think I'm right." Harry smirked.

"There's no control to lose, Harry. I want to do this right and take things slow. That's what I want above everything else, so...I'm not trying to avoid you at all." Zayn said.

"Above everything else. Are you sure?" Harry smiled.

"Yes, and you're not going to change my mind." Zayn told him, looking into his eyes.

"Okay, fine." Harry said casually, turning back to the sink.

"Exactly. Focus on washing. Try not to get the water everywhere too." Zayn chuckled.

"Where have I gotten it?" Harry asked skeptically, looking at him.

"There are drops on the floor, the counter is wet and your shirt is wet." Zayn pointed out.

Harry looked down, not realizing he'd been making such a mess.

"Oh, you're right." He spoke as he stepped back a bit and felt the wet fabric brush against his skin.

"Can't have that, can we?" He asked, slipping his shirt off over his head and tossing it aside, managing to land it perfectly across the back of one of the dining chairs.

Zayn watched it all, his eyes drifting back to look at Harry's exposed skin.

"You know I'm over this, it's too much work. You finish it up and I'll help with something else, alright?" He asked, stepping away from the sink with his back to Zayn.

He then stretched, making sure to flex the muscles in his arms and back.

Zayn watched helplessly, feeling the sudden urge to press himself against him.

That and to run his hands all over his body.

Harry turned to took the towel from Zayn, drying his hands and eventually making eye contact as he handed the towel back.

The two stared at each other, and Zayn came so close to throwing that towel into the sink and grabbing Harry.

But, he realized what Harry was doing.

Zayn decided that two could play at this game.

Originally Zayn wanted to take this slow in hopes of forming a more genuine relationship rather than starting off with sex.

But now he just wanted to tease Harry back.

He swallowed. "Okay. You go relax or something I'll finish this."

Harry blinked, slightly surprised.

He left the kitchen, and Zayn smirked to himself.

It was on.

A/N: Funny cos this book is about to be off HAH. That was bad, but...this book will be ending very soon. Just thought I'd warn you in hopes of avoiding too many sad comments because they kinda make me sad too 😕
- Z

P.s. - If you read my other stories I plan on bringing a few others to an end too so I can focus on writing some sequels, and new stuff 😏

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