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"Oh God,"

"Fuck, H-Harry."

"Fuck me."

This time the two were tangled up in Zayn's bed, the world around them meaning absolutely nothing.

Zayn wasn't sure how they'd ended up here, but he certainly wasn't complaining.

It was a sight to see.

Zayn's hands desperately trying to find grip on Harry's muscular back, their bodies moving together perfectly.

Harry's curls moving just as much as he was, his swollen lips always parted and such a sinful cherry red.

Zayn's lips were thick and more of a deep pink, much like the blush spread across his face.

"Ah, ah," Zayn panted, clawing down Harry's back.

"Easy, baby doll." Harry winced as he continued to thrust into him.

Zayn groaned, his hair in his eyes and his jaw going slack.

Harry dipped his head down and bit his neck, thrusting deeper inside of him.

Zayn eyes fluttered, rolling back in his head as he came.

"Harry!" He moaned loudly, jerking awake just moments later.

He blinked a few times, staring at the ceiling and trying to catch his breath.

Zayn quickly sat up and looked around, sighing with relief when he realized Eric wasn't in the room.

"Babe?" Eric asked, walking in seconds later.

"Y-Yeah?" Zayn stuttered, internally panicking.

"I was downstairs and I thought I heard you call for me."

"Oh, um, no. I just had a...bad dream." Zayn lied.

That was far from a bad dream.

"I'm sorry. Need cuddles?" Eric asked.

"No, I'm fine. What I need is...a shower." Zayn said.

"I'll go start the water for you, okay?" Eric said, walking over and kissing Zayn's cheek.

"What'd you break? Why are you being so nice?" Zayn asked, giving him a look.

"I didn't break anything, I'm being a shitty fiance and leaving you alone this weekend. I feel bad about it." Eric admitted.

Zayn smiled at him. "Well don't. I'll be fine. I like when you go away because it always so nice when you come back."

"Still, I'll get your shower going and make breakfast, okay?" He asked.

"If you must." Zayn sighed, smiling.

Eric kissed his lips this time before he left the room.

The kiss was nice, but all Zayn could think about was how he'd been kissed by Harry in his dream.

He really needed to do something to get these dreams to stop.

They were disturbing.


Harry waited maybe half an hour after Eric left that evening before he made his way across the street.

He stood there smiling with his hands held behind his back when Zayn answered the door.


Zayn sighed. "Hi Harry. What is it?"

"Well, friend, I was just wondering what your plans were for dinner." Harry said.

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