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“Which hyung do you like the most?” Hoseok asked Seokjin, giving him his signature smile.

“I like--” Before Seokjin could answer, his hyungs started to hug him already. “I like everyone.” He finished.

All of his hyungs sighed.

“You can't like everyone Jinnie.” Taehyung explained.

Seokjin frowned, “I can't?”

“Yeah. You need to choose.”


In which Seokjin is the youngest of them all and they all have feelings for him.


a/n; hello there! im new at writing english stories esp. a fanfiction with Jin Ships on it.. if you already don't like the idea of Jin being the youngest in this story, you can remove this from your libraby immediately ^^ i wrote this coz im bored and i can't see any stories whose Jin is the youngest. English isn't my mother tongue/language so sorry for any grammatical and typographical error. please enjoy haha! xoxo

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