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Third Person's

Seokjin is alone. It's now lunch time and he doesn't have someone to eat lunch with..

Jimin is practicing for the upcoming baseball match. Jungkook in dancing since the contest is getting nearer and Taehyung in basketball because he's the captain ball.

“Hey there, baby boy.”

Seokjin froze. He didn't know what to do, someone's behind his back and it was whispering dirty things into his ear. He nervously gulped..

“Aw, my beautiful baby boy is nervous.”

The guy harshly pulled Seokjin by the wrist, he pulled him until they reached the empty janitors closet.

Seokjin harshly sucked on his breathe, finding it hard to breathe. The guy was so close, making him really uncomfortable.. “P-Please let me g-go.” Seokjin begged but the guy just chuckled.

“Don't be afraid..” The guy huskily said, caressing Seokjin's cheek, wiping the tears falling from the younger's eye. “Just let me do what I want.. I'm needy.”

Seokjin's body started trembling. He felt so uncomfortable and disgusted and he knows that the guy who pulled him in this small janitor's closet was the one who's making him feel like this.

“My name is Yugyeom, I was sitting behind you, I'm your not-so-popular but your bad boy classmate. And I will make sure that I will make you moan... TODAY.” There's finality on the guy–Yugyeom's voice.

“Please, don't.”

Jimin's practice was already over, he was now roaming around the school– searching for Seokjin.

Someone told him that there's a black-haired guy who took Seokjin during lunch, so he's now searching for the two.

He was scared, what if that guy did something bad to Seokjin? He will break that boy's bone, he will crashed him to his own hand till he beg.

Jimin was feeling exhausted, he was running again and again around the school, not giving up until he saw Seokjin.

Bull.” Jimin mumbled when he saw Seokjin limping. He quickly ran to Seokjin and he clearly saw the younger's face and condition. “Who did this to you?!” Jimin asks, yelling. “Answer me!”

“I'm okay, hyung.”


“I'm okay, hyung. Just some punch and kick.. it doesn't hurt.”

“It does!”

The stain of tears on Seokjin's cheek was still visible. His eye looks so fluffy and red. He have black eye on his right eye and bruises on his beautiful face, his plump lips had cut, bleeding a bit.

Seokjin is limping, not because Yugyeom fucked him but because he kicked the younger for not obeying his commands and for not giving his needs.

The younger weakly sat on the school ground and started crying whilst sobbing silently.

Jimin felt like his world had just crashed. The world betrayed him. He kneeled in front of Seokjin, gently trying to remove Seokjin's hand from covering his face.

Wh-what happened, J-Jinnie? Who d-did this to y-you?” Jimin's voice was shaking, trying his best not to broke down and cry in front of his hurting dongsaeng.

“H-H-He..” Seokjin was sobbing uncontrollably, he can't say it straightforwardly. Hyung.. he.. I..” Seokjin still couldn't say it so Jimin hugged the younger, comforting him at the same time reassuring him that he would be safe. H-he tried to..”

“What did he do, Jinnie?”

H-hyung, he t-tried to touch me.”

Jimin's breathe hitched. He was holding his temper, he didn't want to yell in front of Seokjin, he didn't want to scare the little boy more.

Hyung.. Yugyeom tried to rape me.”

“What the fuck..”


a/n; ayooooo~ sorry for my typographical and grammatical error. comment your thoughts, im reading! hehe and sorry if i've just updated because school was so hectic and... please enlighten me. tell me if this book is getting trashy or not. thankyou! xoxo

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