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Third Person's

Seokjin stared at the white and clean ceiling while waiting for the man with the green mint hair to return but surprisingly, he heard a knock that startled him a little.

Hyung? Are you there? Breakfast is ready!” A deep voice called from the outside.

Seokjin tried to stood up, wanting to open the room's door but he couldn't walk properly, it's just making him feel more dizzy and besides, the minted-hair man told him to not get caught right?

“Yah, what are you doing in front of my room?” Seokjin heard the familiar raspy voice.

“Ah, I thought you're there. Why is it locked anyways, hyung?”

N-nothing.. go eat, I'll be joining after a while, I'll just take a shower.”

Seokjin heard some footsteps until the room flashed open, the minted-hair guy locking the door as fast as he could.

He sighed in relief, immediately walking to Seokjin. Crawling on the bed, laying down beside the little boy.

“How old are you?”


“Too young, but so beautiful.”

Seokjin could feel his cheeks burning, this time, it's not because of his fever. He don't really know why..

“C-can I ask you a question too?” Seokjin said, trying hard not to stutter.

“You just did, idiot.” The man's finger flicked on Seokjin's forehead. Causing him to 'aw' a bit.

“No, no. I mean, I just wanted to ask what's your name?” He asked cutely, not aware that he's being cute.

Yoongi. Min Yoongi. But Yoongi-hyung to you since you're 5 years younger.” The man– Yoongi, cooly answered.

“Oh, so you're 20, Yoongi?” He innocently asks, not noticing how rude he sounds.


U-uhm, sorry, Yoongi-hyung.. I'm just. Im not fond of calling anyone 'hyung' especially, someone I just newly met.” Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck shyly, feeling extremely awkward.

“Are you hungry?” Yoongi asked, obviously changing the topic.

“Oh no. I'm full, I'm just okay, hyung.” Seokjin gave Yoongi a reassuringly smile but his stomach suddenly growled, betraying himself.

“You couldn't drink your meds without eating anyways. Just wait here, I'll bring you food.” Yoongi then stood up from the bed, leaving Seokjin again.

“Why do you always betray me.” Seokjin asks his stomach, as if it would answer. “I hate you.” He cutely pouted. “But I'm joking! Hehe.” Seokjin silently giggled.

Look how childish and cute is this little young boy here awww. Lol, why am I cooing.

Seokjin remembered the compliment Yoongi had told him, “Too young, but so beautiful.” but he's a boy tho. Is calling him beautiful a good thing? Shouldn't he be handsome?

Seokjin shook his head abruptly, shaking the thoughts out of his head too. Going back to what he's doing a while ago, he stared at the white ceiling again, waiting for the green mint hair man– Yoongi, to return.

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