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Third Person's

Let's bring the sweet you back. Jungkook uttered while holding unto Seokjin's wrist tightly.

The younger just raised his eyebrow in confusion and annoyance, WHAT?” He tried to pull his hands away from Jungkook's hold but much to his dismay, his hyung is still stronger than him.

I'm sorry. The two simple words that Jungkook wanted to say to Seokjin was now told and revealed.

Seokjin's eyes widened but it's starting to become teary while Jungkook is just staring at him, trying to know what's going on to Seokjin's mind.

Jungkook's eyes is full of sincerity. He thought that he should've told Seokjin his sorry as early as he can before and he could also explain his self but he didn't do anything, he's the real coward here.

Are you in drugs? Why are you saying sorry? What is this for?” Despite of Seokjin's teary eyes, he decided to act cold and emotionless. He doesn't want to get hurt again, to be rejected, and to be ignored. He'd enough of that treatment. Now, he's returning the favor.

Jinnie,” Jungkook started.

Don't call me that!” Seokjin immediately dismissed.

He put all of his strength to pull his hands away from Jungkook and he finally succeeded but the older lose his balance because of that so he landed on the ground hardly.

Trying to stand up for him to pull Seokjin into a tight hug and planning not to let go, Jungkook's eyes started to water that made the younger's jaw drop.

He kneeled in front of his hurted hyung, checking him. H-hyung, I-I'm sorry! Are you h-hurt? Can y-you tell me w-where? Where do you w-wanna go t-to? Clinic! U-uh infirmary! No- hospital?” Seokjin started panicking.

He didn't intended to go that far, he didn't intended to hurt any of his hyung physically. Cause obviously, he's hurting too.

They are like his family. They've kept them until now, they lend him a shelter, a nice life, good hyungs, delicious foods, enough money. But what is he doing now? Is he crossing the line that much? He didn't mean to..

A small smile started to form into Jungkook's lips. You called me 'hyung', Jinnie..” He said, almost like a whispher.

Seokjin look into Jungkook and shook his head, What, I didn't! Y-You're being de-delusional!” He acted to be pissed and the elder couldn't help but to chuckle- that made his back hurt though.

Let's just bring you to the hospital.He said then put Jungkook's arm around his neck while his arm snakes into his hyung's waist.

Just take me to the clinic, this is no big deal. Jungkook said.

When I said, to the hospital, then it's to the hospital. Got it?

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