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Third Person's

Today is Seokjin's one week living and hiding at Yoongi's room. But luckily, the other members still didn't know that there's someone Yoongi and Taehyung hiding.

Seokjin wouldn't lie. He like the company Taehyung and Yoongi giving him. He feel so comfortable around the two..

He's now comfortable sleeping with Yoongi, eating with Yoongi and Taehyung at Yoongi's room. Playing when the two have extra and free times and cuddling Yoongi when it's cold.

Aish, Seokjin! Stop that!” Yoongi scolded him for doing something he don't really know so he rose an eyebrow innocently.

Seokjin bit his lower lip, “Doing what, hyung?” He asks.

Seokjin doesn't have any idea what is that scolding for. As far as he know, he doesn't have done any stupid things today.

“That. That!” Yoongi pointed his lower lip that he's biting.

His brows knotted at his hyung, “You mean, lip biting? I can't, this is one of my habits.” Seokjin licked his dried lips so it would moist a bit.

“Oh god, Seokjin. You're a dick. Are you seducing me?”


“Oh my god. Why are you so innocent?”

Seems like Yoongi is annoyed so Seokjin just look down and stopped biting on his lower lip.  “Sorry, hyung. But what is a dick? I'm a dick? What's the meaning of that?” Seokjin innocently asks Yoongi, making Yoongi gulp.

“When I was at your age, I already knew what dick is. Are you sure you don't know what dick is?” Yoongi crossed his arms while raising an eyebrow, inspecting if Seokjin was really innocent.

“I don't really know, hyung. Please explain what is a dick?” Seokjin pouted.

“When you say, 'You're a dick' to a person, that means 'you're cute'.” Yoongi lied.

He thought that Seokjin was far too innocent, fragile, and pure to know this kind of things already. He should find about it himself, he won't explain such things to the boy. It's so sensual.

“Do you know what sex is?”

“The other term for gender, right?”


The two continued to ask each other's questions and answer too. Seokjin was very curious, thanks to Yoongi for helping him know more about the world and what a dick is lol.

Taehyung put the key on Yoongi's door. He opened it quickly then locked it. Letting out a sigh when he made it without the others noticing..

“Hi Tae-hyung!” Seokjin greeted Taehyung and Taehyung greeted back happily.

Crawling onto the bed, suiting himself between Yoongi and Seokjin, he closed his eyes until Seokjin called his name.


Hmn?” Taehyung only hummed as a response, eyes still shut closed.

“You're a dick!” Seokjin blurted out, giggling cutely.

Taehyung, on the other side, opened his eyes widely. Looking at Seokjin in disbelief. Did he just called me a dick? He thought as he continued to stare at the younger.

Yoongi who's laughing uncontrollably beside him explains, “I told him that if you tell someone 'You're a dick, it means 'you're cute.”

Aww, thanks, Seokjin-ah.”

Never in Taehyung's life did he thought on thanking someone for calling him a dick. Well, he forgive Seokjin anyways.


a/n; sorry for the grammatical and typographical errors. i'll do better! and my updates aren't as fast as before because of school and assignments but im trying my best to update more often. thx :> xx

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