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Third Person's

Hyung, Jungkook-hyung isn't looking at me anymore. Was he ignoring me?”

Jimin gulped when Seokjin started asking; regarding Jungkook, ignoring the younger.

He didn't know wether to tell Seokjin the truth or, “He's not feeling well, Jinnie.” LIE.

“Should I check him later, hyung?” Seokjin asks, his eyes looks worried.

N-no! Uhm, I m-mean.. it's the best for you to stay away from him while he's still sick.” Jimin lied again.

Seokjin let out a painful sigh. Jungkook started ignoring him after the talk he had with Yoongi and Seokjin was too clueless about the eldest's command to Jungkook.

“Hey, Seokjin.” Namjoon smirked at Seokjin that make the latter blush. “Do you want me to feed you?” He flirtily asked the younger and the latter just shook his head. Aww, don't be shy.” Namjoon cooed then lightly pinched Seokjin's reddening cheeks.

HYUNG!” Jimin yells to Namjoon then slapped the elder's hand away from Seokjin. “You're here to eat, right? Stop teasing my baby!” Jimin possessively held on Seokjin's hands then gave it a slight squeeze.

Namjoon just shrug then started eating, making sloppy and slurping sounds.

What the fuck?
Jimin cursed his Namjoon-hyung in his mind for eating that loud and for the smirk he was throwing to Seokjin.

Hyung, I'll just go somewhere.” Seokjin shyly said and Jimin just nodded.

But that ‘somewhere’ Seokjin was talking about was Jungkook's room. He misses his hyung. If Jungkook is sick then he don't care, let him get sick too.

Seokjin knocked on the door but no one's answering so he just get in then closed the door-- but when he turned his head, he saw his Jungkook-hyung with just a towel on his waist.. revealing his abs that looks more sexy since there's water drip-dropping down there.

He gulped when he turn his look to his Jungkook-hyung who's brows are knotted, wiping the water drip-dropping from his wet hair to his face.

“What are you doing here?” Jungkook tried to be calm and he thank god for letting him hide his annoyance for the younger.

“I-I'm sorry, h-hyung.. I didn't m-mean to sneak in w-while you're--” Seokjin's word was soon cut off when he felt Jungkook's lip colliding on his that left the younger shocked that he doesn't know what to do.

Push his hyung away or let him? But he chose to push Jungkook away from him, making the latter look pained and hurt like his world had been crushed.

Jungkook tried to act like he's not hurt by Seokjin's sudden move and he put on his poker face and cold-looking eyes. Hiding his hurted feelings.

Hmn, I see.. Namjoon-hyung's kissing is more skillful and good than mine, huh?” Jungkook coldly chuckled, making Seokjin shiver.

“What are you talking about, hyung?” Seokjin wanted to dance when he succeeded on not stuttering.

Jungkook smirked at the younger, “I just witnessed your make-out session with him.”

“W-what?!” Seokjin is confuse. What is this hyung talking about? He never kissed his Namjoon-hyung and if he did, it's on his cheeks cause he love his hyung's deep dimple. Namjoon's the one who kissed him on the lips tho.

“You cheated on me, Seokjin.”

Seokjin's jaw dropped low because of Jungkook's voice and words. “H-huh?” He wanted to slap himself for stuttering for a single and simple word.

“Whatever, get out.” Jungkook rolled his eyes then turned his masculine back to Seokjin, opening his closet to find something to wear.

But Seokjin just stood there, still clueless. “I said, get out.” Jungkook repeated then look again to the younger but he's not moving. “GET OUT!” Jungkook yelled while pointing on the door.

And with that, Seokjin runs away with tears streaming down his face.


I was on my way to the garage when I saw Seokjin running to my direction and when he was close enough, I clearly saw his crying eyes and wet cheeks.

He hugged me tightly while sobbing. WHO THE HELL MADE HIM CRY?! I rubbed his back with my hand while murmuring sweet and calming words to his ears to make him stop from crying.

“What happened, Seokjin-ah?”


“Forget about him.”


a/n; change is coming~

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