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“School's coming within four days, are you thinking on enrolling Seokjin?” Taehyung asked me. His brows knotted while crossing his arms.

“What if they caught him? That's too risky.” I said to him, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

“They won't. We'll wake him early and I can join him on walking to school so that he won't be lonely in the school so early.”

“You're crazy.”

Yoongi-hyung, I'm just suggesting okay?”

I just ignored Taehyung. Sure, him and Seokjin was being too close with each other but that doesn't mean that he could decide for the younger.

Taehyung's idea is brilliant but they would start suspecting if he would be going to school so early cause we all know how much of a heavy-sleeper he is, pabo.

But I can do a better plan.

“Ask him if he wants to, I'll just go to Jungkook's room, I forgot to gave his headset back since mine was broken.” I told him, splitting into different directions. Me to Jungkook's and Taehyung into my room.

When I reached the younger's room, I flung the door open, revealing a masturbating hormonal Jungkook.

“God, Jeon Jungkook, this early?!” I scolded him, throwing his headset to him, quickly rolling my eyes.

“Sorry, hyung! Hehe.” Jungkook then shouted.

I looked at him again, his pants was now zipped close. “Whatever, so, did you just watch porn with Jimin again?”

Jungkook shook his head abruptly, smiling cheekily. “You see, hyung. I just saw the most beautiful boy I could imagine. I don't even know why did I have a boner just because of his cuteness. He's beautiful and handsome? Is that even possible?” He answered, smirking a bit.

“You're just a hormonal teenager, Jungkook.” I rolled my eyes on him, closing his doors, walking into my room.

“Hi, Yoongi-hyung!” Seokjin called out when I entered the room.

I gave him a smile then plop onto his side, closing my eyes, relaxing a bit. “Aw, Yoongi-hyung looks like a dick, right?” I heard Taehyung's voice saying..

I mentally rolled my eyes on him. “Geez, shut up, Tae.”

Yoongi-hyung? Tae-hyung?”

“Hmm?” Both Taehyung and I hummed as a response.


I felt something soft was being placed into my cheeks so I opened my eyes and saw Seokjin, innocently giving me a peck on the cheek and to Taehyung too.

“My mom taught me that.. Give someone a kiss as a reward for their kindness or as a Thank you.” Seokjin explains, giggling.

“I will be really really kind from now on.” Taehyung, who looks so dumbfounded and lost, whispered. Enough for me and Seokjin to hear.



a/n; second update for today coz today is our #4yearswithBTS right? am i too late to greet them here? yay haha sorry for any typographical and grammatical erors! xx thx for the comments

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