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Hyung? Are you...” I worriedly asked, kneeling in front of Yoongi-hyung. He finally look  up at me and then I confirmed it. “...crying.”

“I'm not! Who the hell is crying?”

“Nice acting, hyung.” I sarcastically said then roll my eyes on him.

I stood straight and I offered my hand to help him stand up. He frowned at me as he wipe the tears from his eyes, he tapped my shoulder.

Jungkook-ah, why don't you talk to Seokjin?” He suddenly told me and my eyes widened quickly.


“I think, you can bring back the old Seokjin, the sweet Seokjin..” Yoongi-hyung explained and all I could do is knot my brows in confusion.

“Why are you saying that, hyung?” I asked, confused.

“You two were the closest before and I'm so sorry for making you stay away from him.. Jungkook-ah, I think Seokjin changed because of your cold treatment to him. If you didn't notice, he was changing.” Yoongi-hyung explained it more farther.

I knotted my brows, trying to pick up what was Yoongi-hyung saying.. Seokjin and I isn't talking for almost two years already so I didn't really care and noticed that he was indeed changing.

I mean.. I can hear him yell to the other hyungs but I'll just shrugged it off before and go straight to my room to listen to music. I didn't know that he was changing into worst.

There's a rumor in our school that Seokjin is a playboy? rather a fuckboy. He would hit on every beautiful girls he would see and they said that even guys. Of course, he would always top, they said.

I don't really believe them and the rumors they were spreading because I still haven't saw it with my own two eyes. I wanna witness everything that's happening to him but he was growing so fast.. also growing away from us.

Seokjin and I were classmates until now but he's always asleep in our classroom, he said he don't give a fuck to our subjects since he studied advance and he knew all of our topics already and that's really true.

Sometimes, I'll caught him looking at me with his right brow raised but he will looked away as soon as he can after. Weird.

“Just atleast try talking to him.” I nodded and Yoongi-hyung gently ruffled my hair then he walks towards him room.

I took my bag and phone, ready to go to school. Believe it or not but Seokjin and I are classmates every school year.

And do you want to know a secret? Well, I planned all of that because even though were not talking to each other, atleast I can have my inspiration to go to school since I'm KINDA lazy. And being a Senior High School is really HARD.

Speaking of school.. Jungkook-ssi. Go to the guidance office, they wanted to talk to you about Seokjin.” A classmate of mine and Seokjin, said with a worried tone.

So I've to run really fast till I reached the guidance.. I almost fly if I can to go here though- only to see Seokjin and a girl with the principal sitting on the couch with serious faces.

“Oh, Jungkook-ssi.” The Principal called when he saw me and I bow my head politely to him. “Sit, I'll tell you something.” And so I did.

I look into Seokjin, trying to read his expression but I only saw his emotionless face- tc, he learned that from me. lol

“So, Seokjin and the girl beside him, Charm, were caught having sex on the men's restroom here in school and..”



a/n; byei universe

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