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As we stopped crying and wipe all the tears in our eyes, we all smiled.

"Ah, y'all looks like a dick." Seokjin said, chuckling.

We all pouted with our brows knotted. "Look what he had learned from you, hyung!" Jimin stomped his feet, pouting like there's no tomorrow.

"Atleast I know that he can still remember everything I told him." Yoongi-hyung proudly said with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Jinnie, do you know what sex is?" Namjoon-hyung excitedly asked, hiding his little smirk.

"Well, I already did that thing many times.." Seokjin truthfully said then he winked like a professional playboy.


"But what happened to Jungkook?" With a worried look on Hoseok-hyung's face, he asked Seokjin.

We all look into Jungkook's direction and we saw him walking slowly, like he's hurt somewhere but didn't know where it is exactly.

"Jungkook-ah. What happened?" We all worriedly asked, except Seokjin who's just looking down while playing on his fingers.. his habit when he's feeling guilty or something.

"This is nothing, hyung." Jungkook answered with a noticeable fake smile.

Shouldn't we all be happy? Why is Jungkook acting like this? Is he troubled? But then I noticed.. he didn't join the grouphug a while ago. Is Seokjin and Jungkook okay? Are they okay? Did they made up already too?

"He need to rest, hyungs.. I'll tell y'all what happened later. Let's just take Jungkook-hyung to his room." Seokjin said like he was actually trying to avoid our questions.

What the fuck happened between the two of them? Are they in good terms now too? I wanna know. Are they just fine? I'm very confuse.

"HYUNGS! LET'S PLAY!" Seokjin said excitedly, jumping like a little kid, jumping like how he used to do.

"Without Jungkook?" Hoseok-hyung asked, his brows raised.

"Without Jungkook."


"Because he needs to rest."

But I know.. we know it very well.. Seokjin is lying.


a/n; okaaaaayyy, sorry for this short chapter! i think, there's just 10-15 chapters left? ahhhh, idk. there's still so much on my mind that i wanna add. but here's the answers to your questions!

Q: How old are you?
A: I'm fifteen (I'm too young for smuts, I know)

Q: Why is your stories so brilliant and good? Can you give some tips?
A: Don't mind the reads, don't mind the votes, mind the comments. It'll boost your confidence in writing and always update if you have time. Just write stories with all your heart. Write because you love it and it's your passion, not because for fame.. because it won't come out good. Just do your best and fighting!

Q: What hair colour do you have?
A: It's kinda brownish but there's still black. I don't know how to explain it but I tried highlighting my hair green, it's not permanent though. I tried the red one too. But now it's brown and black.

Q: Who's your bias in BTS?
A: Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi. They're all my bias.. jk, it's JK. :')

Q: Any other fandom aside from ARMY?
A: EXO-L, iGOT7, Carat, Blink, Reveluv, Wild KARD, Sone, Blackjack, Uena, VIP, NCTzen, Once, 4nia.

Q: Your ships in Bangtan?
A: All Jin ships. VMin, YoonMin, VHope, YoonSeok, NamGi, and the list goes on.

Q: Your nationality?
A: Feel-Kor. Feeling Korean. Hahaha but seriously though, A Filipina.

Q: Can you answer this with a picture of you?
A: Nope, not now. You'll be really shock on how scary I look.


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