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Third Person's

“Hey, wake up there little kid.”

Seokjin groaned, he's not feeling well. Well.. he's not really well. He's probably sick and was burning hot (not because he's sexy) but because he's ill.

“Auntie, please let me sleep.. I'm not really feeling well.” Seokjin murmured but the stranger can still hear.

The man sighed and carried Seokjin on his strong arms, bridal style. He silently and carefully put the little boy on his bed, trying his best not to get caught by his friends; because they all live in this house.

He removed the little boy's polo carefully and throws it on the side of his bed. “Kid, what's your name?” The man asked, hoping to get an answer.

Seokjin, though he's weak, flutters his eyes open. “I-I am Kim Seokjin.. what am I doing here?”

The man chuckled, his raspy voice rang onto the secluded room and to Seokjin's ear. “I should be the one asking you that.” The man said, carefully fixing Seokjin's hair, removing his messy bangs from his eyes. “But you are beautiful.. I can keep you if I could.” The man, then again, chuckled.

“I-I d-don't have a s-shelter to li-live.. I m-mean, I am h-homeless. M-my auntie a-abandoned me and I'm r-really sorry f-for sneaking into your h-house and sleeping on your s-sofa.” Seokjin weakly explained, stuttering on each of his sentence and feeling extremely shy. “Wh-where's my shirt?” He asked when he suddenly noticed he was shirtless.

“You're hot.”


“I mean literally, you have fever, idiot.”

Oh.” Seokjin shyly covered his face with the thick comforter. Feeling shy for his reaction.

The man chuckled, turning his back and walking away from the bed. “I'll just buy some meds that you need. Anything that you want? And please, don't get caught.” He asks, looking back to Seokjin.

Seokjin just shook his head then smiled, T-Thankyou.” He said, his cheeks turning pink.

“No problem. I'll be right back.” The man locked the door.

“How can a stranger be so good?” Seokjin asks himself, the face of the man invading his thoughts.

Green Mint hair, pale white skin, pink thin lips, raspy voice, cute little eyes, little but strong body and a not-so-tall height, but ofcourse, the man's still taller than him..

Suddenly, in Seokjin's eyes, the man looks perfect.

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